Saturday, 24 August 2013

Zombie Harley Quinn because..... um....

Well, here ya go. Our favourite little Juggalo whore is back in full zombie swing!
What does that mean, 'Zombie swing'? It means that someone who can't draw or proportion for shit is getting paid for this cover. What the freaking hell?

Okay sooo... first of all Harley's arm thingies increase in size while her legs - which we have seen as very skinny despite what appears to be thermal knit thigh highs, have decreased in mass. Her gun holster is massive, while her tightie whities have shrunk to a c-string. Girl - when your belt is literally larger than your pants.... you really.. REALLY need to STAHP.

Friday, 9 August 2013

September Villains in 3D.. kind of.

So, had an update from one of my interstate comic stores - apologising for DC failing to anticipate the demand for the 3D motion covers due in Villain's month September, as well as production issues.

Oh look, there's about five women hiding in this picture. 

Thoughts on the new new 52 Harley Quinn

This is starting to become a bit Futurama/Dr. Who with the new-new-new-new-new-new-new-new-new-new-new-new-new-new-new-new-new-new-new-new-new-new-....somethings.

So, as we've established already..

1) DC hates any kind of continuity.
2) Harley Quinn has a roller derby outfit.

What I just realised when reading more about the proposed Harley Quinn monthly serial is that it's going to focus on what she does out of Gotham and when she's not hanging around the Suicide Squad kiddies.


Hang on.

Wednesday, 7 August 2013

Roller Derby Harley Quinn

So here's the new Harley Quinn - as you can see it's very roller derby inspired and while not too different from the duds she sports (hah! My humour is quite competitive!) it manages to look ten thousand times better, more suited to Harley and a hell of a lot more practical. 

I have to say I'm not opposed to the look, roller derby fashion is something I can definitely see Harley rocking I am disappointed that her skin is still Smylex white. I imagine that's part of the skid marks that the New 52 poopies have left. She would look so much better with her blonde pigtails and girl next door look... provided you a) live next to a girl b) live next to a white girl and c) live next to a white homicidal maniac girl. 

Monthly Harley Quinn announced!?

Wow, I must have been living under a rock to have missed this! Here's an exclusive interview reposted from Comic Book Resources about Harley's new monthly series! (Official link below). I've recoloured the interviwer's speech and made a few spelling adjustments but like I said, it's from CBR. I'm just too excited to gather my own thoughts just yet! 

CBR News: Congrats on the new series! It's been a while since we've seen a true Harley Quinn title. What was your first response to the idea of working with the character in the New 52?
Conner's cover for her and Palmiotti's "Harley Quinn" #1
Jimmy Palmiotti: When we were offered the book, it wasn't something we said yes to right away. We needed to do a lot of reading and playing catch up on what the character has been up to since we knew the other version so well. Amanda and I spent a lot of time talking about approach, if we can find a real voice for the character , and what the series would be about before we sent in our pitch. On the surface, this is a no brainer with the two of us writing, but like anything else we do together, we needed to really dig in and find the who , what and where of the new Harley.
Amanda Conner: It was a little daunting, at first. She is a totally beloved character, and you have to show that some respect, all while bringing her into a whole new atmosphere. We have to make her world very believable. We want to make her almost like she's someone you've met before.
Palmiotti: After a lot of back and forth, we found the place we needed to find and pitched it to DC, and they loved it.
Harley is a character that was born with a very specific, very beloved iteration on "Batman: The Animated Series," though over the years she's evolved in the comics as many of the DC characters do. What versions loom largest in how you see her today?