Cover one: usual blah versions of Harley Quinn as depicted by Connor. A lot of the images aren't even reminiscent of the versions they're supposed to be - their stock standard Hardly Quinn is front and centre - including their weird 'punk rocker' Quinn. Others like Bombshell Harley are given cross eyes and shoved off centre, Arkham Asylum Harley has the wrong colours (ironically) and none of the attitude that made her popular. The best parts of this is when they rip off someone else's style - like Dodson's Harley Quinn or even the hideous original Suicide Squad Harley Quinn complete with pinprick crazy eyes. They've even given her hyena puppies for some reason. You don't get hyena pups because they're cute... you get them because you are so awesome you rise above conventional pets!!
Which makes cover two look like a piece of gosh darned valuable art. I've often criticised the second covers because even though they're beautiful and they're usually Quinn at her most Harley-ish style wise.. they're bland. The backgrounds are non-existent and Harley's usually doing something that doesn't mesh with her new personality. Like use a bike or a swing set without killing anyone.
This one has motion and looks great. Just don't look too closely or you might ask why they need dance steps to jive to the Batman soundtrack which they aren't even following anyway. They keep shoe-horning that freakin' dog in there too. Can you feed him or something? He looks starved for attention and/or food.
Anyway - the last issue of this toilet rag had Harley Sinn arrive and proposition Hardly. They had spent a decent amount of time (much long than needed) to have a pissing match and trade blows.
Hardly opens this issue by ignoring the fact that Sinn has brought back her kidnapped former beau and his mother and is offering to help take down one of her foes - but punching Sinn out because she hates her for trying to kill her previously.

Mason and his mother are super impressed Hardly can punch - completely forgetting that two seconds ago she absolutely got her pasty ass kicked hard.
Mason's neck is the exact size of his head and when he hugs Hardly she looks like a hostage. She's clearly not happy to see them. She even asks the hostagees to take their kidnapper away for her because she's got her parents in town.
Doesn't even ask if these guys are okay. Damn, what a bitch.

She admits she only asked him out to dinner so her parents would question him more instead of picking on her.
Doing that 'self aware' 'joke' trying to own being called Hot Topic and being told to buy real pants is one thing but Hardly - a victim of domestic abuse laughs off a domestic abuse joke by some idiot called Frank Frank?
First off, who the hell is that? Secondly, was this one panel essential to the comic? Thirdly - great going, Quinn. You're a real role model. Considering she just about killed a guy for talking about her butt in a previous comic, would she really let this slide?
Hardly Quinn - a woman who was gifted an apartment block and is now raking in money apparently, disparages how much money is bought into Brooklyn. She also tries to be uplifting - I think - about different personalities around her. Problem is... she's looking at exteriors. Does everyone with tattoo sleeves have great personalities? Heck no! What about if they have an afro, or pin prick eyes? How about if they chew gum and wear boxing glove mittens?
Well, we don't know. She's not talking to any of them she's looking at their exteriors. To me, it sounds like she's trying to own being 'different' because it's given her 'personality' but even if you're a fan of Hardly Quinn... you have to face it. She looks the way she does because she was dumped in a chemical vat by someone else to make her look more like them.
Is she knocking her former self because she would have looked 'plain' and without character?
If she is, she can get bent because that Harley Quinn had ten times the personality she does.
Not to mention unique faces - especially for the men, is not this artist's strong suite.

He also refers to a full grown woman lawyer as the mayor's girl. Very empowering. His face gets more ridiculous with each panel and I'm trying to figure out what the hell is on his head but not getting anywhere. Spoonsjerkoff slaps the mayor - who is supposed to be a mob boss by the way he talks? They couldn't make him any more bad guy stereotype if they tried.
How this physical abuse doesn't get him fired from office immediately is anyone's guess. Shit, if I can't punch people at work and get away with it why the hell can Spoonsdick?
This one panel of Poison Ivy and her evil mansion is actually amazing. This is something I would not have expected the artist to pull off given their limited skills with faces, body shapes.. motion... hmm..
Anyway Red Tool comes to speak to Ivy and all Ivy wants to talk about is Hardly! They have a pissing match about relationships and gush about Hardly some more. Ugh. Is this the same eco-terrorist I grew up with on BTAS? I've seen far less sop in a romance novel!
The dinner cruise Hardly and her parents and goat are on is about to get robbed by the Clock King and the Sportsmaster? Wow, they're really scraping the barrel now aren't they?
What's wrong? Use all your good cameos in your Little Black Book Series?
Harley Loves Joker pt 7
He's all sad that Harley is always off doing errands instead of tending to his Joker boner.

He's even gotten the Penguin involved. Penguin has never cared for Harley but takes the time to ask where she is.
It could be self preservation given that Joker's flunkies are surrounding him but it's probably more that the writers didn't want to spend any more time away from Harley and her antics.
Somehow they're all finished the work anyway - even though Harley 'helped'.
For some reason - despite working with criminal and super-villains and being a tradie - a tradie who has been screwed over by the Joker's ilk before... Jenna has not taken any down payments. Given that Harley has a fainting spell by looking at the bill, this was probably a stupid decision on Jenna's part.
Much like that 'women at work' warning sign. Just.. nice. Reeeal nice.
I feel like this comic is promoting unrealistic standards for renovation time-frames, the ease of getting paint out of hair and how tradies work.
I also like the fact that Harley has to be shown all the finished rooms at the end instead of further plot. Or some plot. Or.. any real plot.
It does give me the impression that Jenna left Harley to 'help' in one decoy room so she wouldn't fudge up the real house.
Although Harley collapses on the bed, and the bed collapses on her so I'm not putting too much faith in Jenna's work anymore.

Well both comics are pretty lame but this issue was less painful than usual.
In the main story - Hardly is about to go into 'super hero' mode and two things happen.
One - her parents ask her if she hasn't given up this business and two - the thieves go "Ohhh NO. That voice!!'" like they were expecting to be thwarted by the grisly white bare footed caricature.
This still does jack to tell me what her parents actually know - or worse, if they think she actually is a super hero. This also worries me that all the Gotham villains are coming to Brooklyn and scared about encountering a hero.
Well yes, but Spiderman's in a better comic right now. And a better movie. And better.. well, everything.
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