Saturday 23 September 2017

Gotham City Garage #2

The Real World
Writers: Colin Kelly and Jackson Lanzing
Artist: Brian Ching
Colourist: Kelly Fitzpatrick
Cover: Rafael Albuquerque

I have just now noticed that Harley's pants/boots are the wrong colour on the cover. Hmm. 
Also, no Bud and Lou on the cover. If this was Cinema Sins I would have to note that as a sin. 

 So where we last left off, Kara was surrounded by gardeners, and let's just say it was a sheer cliff hanger. She was not having a vine old time. She was giving it a green thumb down. Kara really wanted to leaf the scene, but luckily a motorcycle gang arrives to help Kara reap her just rewards and I temporarily ran out of garden related puns.

Kara whacks the heck out of one of the Gardner's with a detached arm, and defiantly states that she didn't need any help from these ladies of the dust.

Harley Quinn doubts it, and offers her a lift. Can we just talk about how cute Bud and Lou are?
I feel like this just always needs to happen. She should just literally travel everywhere with her hyenas in a colourful sidecar. Escalators, bathrooms, office meeting rooms.. just.. everywhere.

 We get more of a look at Big Barda - her New God outfit translates pretty well to this universe. I also kinda like Kara's weird jean chaps.

I don't really get why Kara says Harley's real name strangely.. like, is Harley meant to be famous in this world or is Kara just dipping into her heritage and adding 'El's to everyone's name?

I'm guessing it's the first option by the way Harley gets grumpy and disowns.. well... herself.

D'Awwww, wook at Bu and Lou... I just wanna pinch their fwuffy cheeks!

I'm not sure if it's the brightness of the wasteland or artistic licence but Kara sure seems to hate talking with her eyes fully open.

Certainly the desert wasteland should be the issue but no one's hair is moving in the wind as they ride so I'm calling bullshite on that level of realism.

Only after accepting the ride does Kara realise she's kind of being kidnapped.

I mean it's fair enough because Kara has been rescued/helped defeat the gardeners but then she's just gone from the frying pan into a potential fire.

Big Barda is all check this name out but before they confirm who she is they bring her to their hideout anyway? Seems a bit risky.
Once they get there, Steel (Natasha Irons) is all like no man, I ain't down with this!

Kara makes her impassioned speech about her knowledge so far.

It does seem pretty silly to jump into battle to save someone, bring them all the way out to your secret headquarters and THEN tell them you think they're a threat. Granted, the gang didn't know who she was until Steele did her dramatic reveal but still.. they probably should have asked Kara her name at least.

I think it's in a Super-person's contract to at least once in a new comic to come across their inspiration for their outfit.

Not sure if the 'S' here actually means something to Kara or if she recognises it from her past or even if she just thought it was a cool design worth stealing.

I like this panel because it sort of sets up what's so wrong with this world. It's not that Lex Luthor is running the show or that Batman's basically gone rogue cop on everyone - although those are definitely problems - but more that everyone is so manufactured and controlled. 

Batman tries to understand Gordon's defiance by calling it a malfunction instead of what it is in reality. 

The Short End of the Jester Schtick:

So far still interesting although they've yet to explain what's actually going on. I kinda like that though because it's building up the intrigue. Harley does a throw back to her Assault on Arkham catchphrase by yelling out 'Yahtzee!' which I'm not sure if I like or not. The issue definitely could have benefited from more Bud and Lou, and that's from an impartial reader. Totally unbiased. 

The art style is growing on me.. it still looks extremely rough draft in some scenes but the rest is pretty detailed and gets the point of the scene across very easily. It's a lot better than what we got in Harley Quinn and Batman anyway. I do like how Supergirl is the main character - I was worried the whole series was just going to be a vehicle (geddit?) for more Harley Quinn all the time because we'd only really seen the statues for her, Wonder Woman and Catwoman so far, although now there's more interest and the comic several other statues have been scheduled for release. 

Supergirl works well as the main character because she doesn't need so much explanation and the story is a nice enough twist on her usual fish out of water with famous big mouth bass cousin plot. 

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