Even if you're not a fan of the original Harley Quinn run, you have to admit that the covers are completely ace.
The only issue I could really nitpick is that Ivy - while extremely buxom and bordering on only wearing leafy pasties - has a really.. really small waist. That and her shoes look kinda dorky. But like I said, that's being picky. I love that both bad girls have attempted to beat poor, oblivious Bizarro with gusto, but he is happily enjoying their company and I really like the candy hearts background done Bizarro style - it is a nice touch.
Now, last issue we say Harley zipping away on her pilfered jet pack only to be stopped by a red and blue blur - suspected to be Superman but revealed to be Bizarro!
Harley's internal Harley pops up again to explain why Superman couldn't cameo himself - but sets it up in a way that leaves a bit of intrigue.
The nice thing about Internal Harley is that she's cute, funny and is a useful replacement for the stock standard editor notes. Have I mentioned I'm not really a fan of editor's notes? Eh, probably not.
The credits box here reminds me a lot of The Simpson's Treehouse of Horror Halloween specials where they edit the names to be a bit more thematic.. it's not obnoxiously done and you can easily read the comic without taking note of this but if you notice it it's a fun little Easter Egg of sorts.
Even if you aren't too familiar with Bizarro's origins, you can easily pick it up without feeling like you're being given the Cliff Notes versions of the superheroes/villains backstory.
It also gives the idea that Harley is at the moment, completely nutso so Internal Harley is basically not an imaginary construct but her rational mind giving her a heads up.
Honestly I much prefer this to the 'split personality' thing they gave us in Suicide Squad. Harley is Harley - that's why her rational self is also dressed like a harlequin because she doesn't see herself as being part crazy skank and part rational boring psychiatrist - she is who she is without being a cliche split personality. I mean, Joker may have seduced her but I think it would take someone who's already a little bit off the rails to fully embrace the villain lifestyle, even if she's not an all out villain villain.
Harley - quick witted as she is - picks up on Bizarro's strange speech patterns and devises a way out.
of the situation but Bizarro comes back like the world's weirdest boomerang. He thinks they're playing a game and tries to throw Harley across the Metropolis skies even further.
Understandably she's not happy about this and engages her jet pack in a bid to get away.
Unfortunately it's not enough to get away, but it does give everyone a headspin and a serious case of the ralphs. Realising that this idiot could inadvertently cause her death without even trying, she tries again with the backwards speak and succeeds in getting Bizzaro to buzz off.
Temporarily anyway as he's soon back. Hide and seek with a Superman clone was not on Harley's to do list and she snaps.
Turns out Bizarro is lonely, so he came to Metropolis to seek his worst enemy Jimmy Olsen - but ended up finding Holly Chance instead... and Holly Chance has sworn to fix any broken heart in the city. Uh oh.
Hence a few days of stalking an oblivious Holly Chance only to discover that she's actually Harley Quinn in costume and facepaint. He's nice enough to keep her secret though. He doesn't want Harley to hate him so he waits for the peerrrrrrfeccct opportunity to meet her.
And for a guy who can fly - why not catch up in the air?
Bizarro wants a bride. Harley finds this hilarious and doesn't think she can do it but then realises that she can lead him on while he acts as a Superman shield for her.
Making her way back to the apartment she's staying in with Ivy, Harley checks on their captive Thorn. They remove her wig, thinking she'll revert back to her less dominant personality but she reveals she's got something else going on.
The therapist in Harley's interest is piqued, she wants to get to the bottom of this mystery.
Harley stabs her with some homemade truth serum and does her button pressing thing and while it works in getting a name for Thorn's procectee it also knocks Thorn out. Ivy volunteers to put Thorn through a lot more stress in order to draw out exactly how many split personalities are camping out in Thorn's mind.
They get distracted by the... not so discreet arrival of Bizarro on their balcony. By this stage, Harley has basically mastered Bizarro-speak but makes the fatal flaw of not telling the other characters why understanding this verbal trick is very, very important.
I love how Ivy changes her opinion about Bizarro after receiving a tree and the fact that they're both not really understanding each other but they're still having a conversation without realising they're on two different wave lengths.
Everyone freaks out when someone comes tap tap tapping on their chamber doors but it's just Jimmy Olsen! Good neighbour, come to check on Holly after their big day at S.T.A.R Labs.
Quickly jumping into her Holly Chance persona and seducing Jimmy in the most Southern way possible.
Meanwhile Clark Kent gets back from beating up some enthusiastic furries and discovers what's been going on while he was out of town before facing some serious sass from his boss. Love it.
Internal-Harley: "Look! Up in the sky! It's--" BZZZZZNT! Nah, it ain't Superman! He's in Transylvania fighting werewolves! Yeah, I didn't believe it either -- but look for yourself!
Internal-Harley: That's right, we're talking Bizarro! That wacky, imperfect duplicate of Superman!
Harley: Yeah, I read about you. You're that wacky, imperfect duplicate of Superman!
Internal-Harley: Hello! Is there an echo in here?
Harley: How 'bout you eat my contrail instead!
Bizarro: Oops. Freeze breath. Congratulations.
Bizarro: Watch where Bizarro am not going so you know where to not find me, Harley!
Harley: That's the plan, Biz! To not find you!
Internal-Harley: Yeah -- You go girl! In the other direction!
Bizarro: Everyone run away, screaming in joy that Bizarro am back in Metropolis... but for some reason, Bizarro not still lonely.
Harley: Know the best thing 'bout Jet-Paks, Ivy? A toastie toosh!
Ivy: Oh, she's having a vine old time. Aren't you -- Thorn?
Thorn: Mhugr ah uhr--!
Harley: I was never too fluent in bound and gagged, Ivy. Call off your dogwoods -- let's hear what she's gotta say!
The only issue I could really nitpick is that Ivy - while extremely buxom and bordering on only wearing leafy pasties - has a really.. really small waist. That and her shoes look kinda dorky. But like I said, that's being picky. I love that both bad girls have attempted to beat poor, oblivious Bizarro with gusto, but he is happily enjoying their company and I really like the candy hearts background done Bizarro style - it is a nice touch.
Now, last issue we say Harley zipping away on her pilfered jet pack only to be stopped by a red and blue blur - suspected to be Superman but revealed to be Bizarro!
Harley's internal Harley pops up again to explain why Superman couldn't cameo himself - but sets it up in a way that leaves a bit of intrigue.
The nice thing about Internal Harley is that she's cute, funny and is a useful replacement for the stock standard editor notes. Have I mentioned I'm not really a fan of editor's notes? Eh, probably not.
The credits box here reminds me a lot of The Simpson's Treehouse of Horror Halloween specials where they edit the names to be a bit more thematic.. it's not obnoxiously done and you can easily read the comic without taking note of this but if you notice it it's a fun little Easter Egg of sorts.
Even if you aren't too familiar with Bizarro's origins, you can easily pick it up without feeling like you're being given the Cliff Notes versions of the superheroes/villains backstory.
It also gives the idea that Harley is at the moment, completely nutso so Internal Harley is basically not an imaginary construct but her rational mind giving her a heads up.
Honestly I much prefer this to the 'split personality' thing they gave us in Suicide Squad. Harley is Harley - that's why her rational self is also dressed like a harlequin because she doesn't see herself as being part crazy skank and part rational boring psychiatrist - she is who she is without being a cliche split personality. I mean, Joker may have seduced her but I think it would take someone who's already a little bit off the rails to fully embrace the villain lifestyle, even if she's not an all out villain villain.
Harley - quick witted as she is - picks up on Bizarro's strange speech patterns and devises a way out.
of the situation but Bizarro comes back like the world's weirdest boomerang. He thinks they're playing a game and tries to throw Harley across the Metropolis skies even further.
Understandably she's not happy about this and engages her jet pack in a bid to get away.
Unfortunately it's not enough to get away, but it does give everyone a headspin and a serious case of the ralphs. Realising that this idiot could inadvertently cause her death without even trying, she tries again with the backwards speak and succeeds in getting Bizzaro to buzz off.
Temporarily anyway as he's soon back. Hide and seek with a Superman clone was not on Harley's to do list and she snaps.

Hence a few days of stalking an oblivious Holly Chance only to discover that she's actually Harley Quinn in costume and facepaint. He's nice enough to keep her secret though. He doesn't want Harley to hate him so he waits for the peerrrrrrfeccct opportunity to meet her.
And for a guy who can fly - why not catch up in the air?
Bizarro wants a bride. Harley finds this hilarious and doesn't think she can do it but then realises that she can lead him on while he acts as a Superman shield for her.
Making her way back to the apartment she's staying in with Ivy, Harley checks on their captive Thorn. They remove her wig, thinking she'll revert back to her less dominant personality but she reveals she's got something else going on.
The therapist in Harley's interest is piqued, she wants to get to the bottom of this mystery.
Harley stabs her with some homemade truth serum and does her button pressing thing and while it works in getting a name for Thorn's procectee it also knocks Thorn out. Ivy volunteers to put Thorn through a lot more stress in order to draw out exactly how many split personalities are camping out in Thorn's mind.
They get distracted by the... not so discreet arrival of Bizarro on their balcony. By this stage, Harley has basically mastered Bizarro-speak but makes the fatal flaw of not telling the other characters why understanding this verbal trick is very, very important.
I love how Ivy changes her opinion about Bizarro after receiving a tree and the fact that they're both not really understanding each other but they're still having a conversation without realising they're on two different wave lengths.
Everyone freaks out when someone comes tap tap tapping on their chamber doors but it's just Jimmy Olsen! Good neighbour, come to check on Holly after their big day at S.T.A.R Labs.
Quickly jumping into her Holly Chance persona and seducing Jimmy in the most Southern way possible.
Meanwhile Clark Kent gets back from beating up some enthusiastic furries and discovers what's been going on while he was out of town before facing some serious sass from his boss. Love it.
The Short End of the Jester Schtick
This is an issue where not an awful lot happens action wise but it it does bring in a few more elements character wise. There are a lot of characters here and they're all handled pretty well. With the exception of maybe Jimmy Olsen who does seem a bit tacked on for extra drama. In defence of that though, I think that as a decent person, a neighbour and someone who has the hots for Holly, he would definitely rock up to her door. I think it's more the Holly Seduction aspect that felt a bit forced. Yes, they've been hinting at a romance there but we all know it's been tinged with a vengeance aspect. Maybe that's why Harley entices Jimmy into her apartment containing a small jungle, a plant lady or two, a bizarre clone or two, possibly a dead body and a crazy jester.
I mean, what could possibleh go wrong?
Wotta Comedian!
Internal-Harley: That's right, we're talking Bizarro! That wacky, imperfect duplicate of Superman!
Harley: Yeah, I read about you. You're that wacky, imperfect duplicate of Superman!
Internal-Harley: Hello! Is there an echo in here?
Harley: How 'bout you eat my contrail instead!
Bizarro: Oops. Freeze breath. Congratulations.
Bizarro: Watch where Bizarro am not going so you know where to not find me, Harley!
Harley: That's the plan, Biz! To not find you!
Internal-Harley: Yeah -- You go girl! In the other direction!
Bizarro: Everyone run away, screaming in joy that Bizarro am back in Metropolis... but for some reason, Bizarro not still lonely.
Harley: Know the best thing 'bout Jet-Paks, Ivy? A toastie toosh!
Ivy: Oh, she's having a vine old time. Aren't you -- Thorn?
Thorn: Mhugr ah uhr--!
Harley: I was never too fluent in bound and gagged, Ivy. Call off your dogwoods -- let's hear what she's gotta say!
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