Now this is only a nine part series so expect a lot of variant covers. This one issue has five, alone.
Some I get... some make sense with the comic and some are just... why is this here?
Anyway, the premise is about a Superhero Therapy Centre and the What Could Possibly Go Wrongs?

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What the hell is this supposed to be? |
Meanwhile, Booster - looking beaten up in a diner located in Nebraska - is having coffee when Harley arrives. She also looks beaten up.
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No, APPLE PIE smells like America.. not PEACH! APPLLLLEEEEE! |

Harley's dialogue seems weird... first the psychiatrist says she doesn't believe in trauma? Then she sort of reduces all trauma to mommy/daddy issues? Well hang on. I hope they're going somewhere with this because she's sure been keen to get to the bottom of random people's traumas before as part of her role and as her own interest!
Then she does that thing from the current Suicide Squad where she calls anyone and everyone Puddin' for some reason, sprinkled with a generic 'hahaha I'm so crazy I wanna hit people with things!' Then she starts getting upset.
So... comic version of Margot Robbie but with better acting?

Superman makes an entrance - in what I think is a really well done opener for one and for another, a nice shot of him coming in to land. They didn't do the overused superhero landing or ballet pose, which was nice.
It certainly distracts from CROWS EATING BLUE JAY - HOLY CRAP. I didn't even know who Blue Jay was but I feel sad. Especially since we get his therapy session afterwards.
You know what else we get afterwards? Harley Quinn meticulously folding her napkin post-pie break and then using her knife to stab Booster while singing demented versions of nursery rhyme songs.
I don't know what's more annoying, the creepy killer singing nursery rhyme trope or the fact that a diner knife is ACTUALLY sharp enough to do damage. Maybe it's even the whole ripping off Battle Angel Alita with the blood smears under the eyes business.
Everytime we cut away from Harley's childhood singalong we get to see some other heroic death. So, we can't win, either way.
Bruce, Diana and Clark all catch up at the Sanctuary, where there's no greeter, no guests, just dead people and broken robots. And smashed cookies! Oh, the humanity!!

She probably could have opened with that. Same with Booster - he seems to think SHE killed everyone. Why not have a chat about that instead of coffee and cake???
Then we get the private session of Booster Gold, ominously introducing the Sanctuary.
The Short End of the Jester Schtick
Well, my curiosity is piqued. Plus the art is just gorgeous. My only complaint is that the Trinity didn't seem like themselves.. Clark seemed robotic and so did Diana. Bruce always does but that's his thing. All that "..... is confirmed" as well... are they avoiding saying deceased, or is there some further twist here?
Harley can shove her sharpened diner knife up her tuchas though, that's some severe bullshit.
Wotta Comedian!
Shirley: That's not a hero.
Patron: Oh?
Shirley: That's a villain.
Patron: Oh.
Harley: Can I tell you a secret, Goldie? You promise not to tell?
Booster Gold: Promise.
Harley: I hate pudding.
Booster Gold: Enough! Haven't you finally.. done enough?!
Harley: Uh... no.
Red Arrow: When you got no powers... except sticks... with things on them... you tend to get hurt in this game.
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