Tuesday 18 February 2020

Batman: The Dark Prince Charming #1

I've been wanting to do this review for a while, basically since I heard it existed.

Jan 2018
Story and art by Enrico Marini

I'm a big fan of people who write and create/draw their own visions. So many Manga stars do this, and just have a crew to help with backgrounds and inks etc. I mean, not wanting to kick people who can't draw, because on the other hand some people who can draw can't write the story or can't do the inking or colours. But it's like - when someone writes the story, then goes and makes it - you're seeing exactly what they envisioned with the story.

Plus it's a standalone story with a new version of Joker and Harley Quinn. Wait, that doesn't sound like me recently. Wasn't I sick of all the conflicting versions of Harley? Yes. This is true. But, back in my early fandom this sort of thing was exciting. It was cool to go from the Harley Quinn in BTAS
to the blood soaked, unforeseen psychosis of Thrillkiller Harley. Later on or I guess more recently - I would say the same thing about the stupid solo version of Harley and then latching onto the Injustice version for sweet relief.

Also the detail in this scene is amazing... and the subject matter quite terrifying.

Opening on a little girl in a dodgy looking basement. Oh, well, that's mean. The basement is quite nice for a basement and looks functional as hell, but it's not the kind of basement a young girl would like to be in by herself after being kidnapped. That's what I'm saying. Especially when the Joker is coming down the stairs. In Gotham. I mean, you don't wanna be in Gotham at the best of times but yeah, this, this is not that time.

It's not even safe in stately Wayne Manor. First Bruce gets a suspicious gift decked out in Joker colours, then he has to go and stop a clown robbery.

On the plus side, Gotham has a nice selection of rooftops. 

Damn the art is nice in this. Also, The Joker is his own thing in this yet somehow a mix of what made him funny in BTAS, crazy like in the Joker standalone, in love with Harley like in White Knight and obsessed with Batman like.. well, like a lot of things he's been in.

Not one, not two, but three sex puns? Niiiice.

Side note - if you're driving a loaded semi in peak hour traffic in Gotham while reading a nudie magazine.... you kinda deserve to be hit by a clown with a bat hood ornament. Just saying.

Even his outfits are a bit of a mix of past and present - like the re-worked mechanic jumpsuit, his suspenders, the spats and purple suit.. the goons look like his clown gang from The Dark Knight Returns, Spider makes an appearance..

There's also a Catwoman cameo. Well, the Joker rips off her heist so
she goes to confront him on the road where his clowns are a shootin', bats are a flyin' and police cars are a crashin'. Usually she would just sneak them back out from them on the sly but I suppose if she's cranky enough and the Joker is someone whose territory you wouldn't wanna go near, I guess..

Personally I think it was an excuse to show off her features, but hey, that's fair enough too.
Joker stole the looty, so Catwoman shows the booty. And also her sweet Catcycle. Her outfit reminds me of a mix between the three cinematic Catwomen's... but good instead of a weird mix.

The wild chase through traffic ends with Joker and his vehicle plummeting into water from the bridge. He's not concerned about that, he, like Catwoman, is missing some sweet, stolen pearls destined for his two-toned beau.

Not that this nets him any sympathy from his thugs.  Mind you, it's gotta be a tough line to toe when you've gotta be funny but not as funny as the Joker and avoid making a joke at the wrong time.

For his troubles, this particular gang member manages to lose part of his anatomy and the worst bit is that Harley isn't even impressed.  She turns on Joker like that one guy who keeps hiding the fact that he's a zombie until the final dramatic scenes then storms off crying... but in kinda a clownish way so points for staying on theme.

What is it they say... walk away with your head and tutu held high?

Much like a spoiled rich kid, Harley's tantrum calms down when she spots a rare cat shaped trinket on the ol' TV set. Joker isn't as enthused but changes his tune when he sees local billionaire playboy Bruce Wayne being chased for child support.

Yes,  it seems legit  even if largely pushed by a greedy lawyer.

I'm both confused by and amused by this new Harley/Joker dynamic. Harley has literally gone from sweet as pie 0 to 100 mad as heck to then TV shopping casually. Joker seems more like a baby sitter here, which sounds a bit creepy but I mean.. the whole relationship is creepy in all if not most of the iterations they have been in. It's almost a breathe of fresh air to see Harley being treated more as... I want to say arm candy? A trophy jester? SHE'S not hanging on Joker unless SHE wants something, usually expensive by the looks of things. She's not the brainy psychologist, she's not someone always trying to prove herself by being a "bad ass" she's basically just a gangster moll with a circus motif.   

Joker goes from being interested in making her happy - somewhat desperately even - but the more aggravating and childish she gets the more visibly he becomes bored or upset with her, but not in a way he can actually express to her without making things worse. It's a strange, strained relationship - why is he so desperate to please her when she doesn't seem to contribute to the matter and he kills his own gang at the drop of a hat? 

Batman is also watching the gossip channel - and cue the flashback to a few months earlier where Mariah Shelley - a waitress we haven't met before, but who believes that Bruce is the father of her young daughter Alina. Bruce gets his hackles up once he sees track marks on Mariah's arm and hears about her demands for a large sum of money after such a long time.

Alina seems nice though and damn the kid has a personality! I don't want to bash Mariah but.. geez.. I mean she turns up looking like Harley Quinn with her booty shorts and thigh highs and meanwhile Alfred over here in like a three piece suit like it's casual Friday at the Wayne Manor. Weird.
Bruce is so ticked after the encounter he turns down kinky time with SELINA FREAKIN' CATWOMAN. Naturally, she almost kills him, Alfred and a valuable Ming vase for that slight.

Cut to present day where Mariah (who has found a suit dress), Alina (who seems to dress in variations of pinafore style dresses and stripes) and their lawyer (who manages to look like both a stereotypical mobster, a dodgy used car salesman and that weird guy from Lazy Town at the same time) are heading to court. Lawyer John either doesn't have seatbelts in his 50's style pimp wagon or doesn't enforce wearing them, nor does he like facing forward with his eyes open while driving. Not that it really matters because Joker's extreme armoured truck thing steamrolls them without trying.

By the time Batman arrives, Lawyer John is dead, Mariah is unconscious and in a bad way while Alina is missing, presumed kidnapped by the Joker.
And indeed she is, for an unwilling pizza party.

This is an interesting revelation. You have to wonder if this is his real back story or if he's lying or exaggerating like he has before. If he has come from an abusive home, is this one reason why his relationship with Harley is so different here?

Alina is doing great - she's visibly afraid but also stands her ground even when faced with the freakin' Joker. Joker does seem to want to put her at ease, or at least get her on his side by entertaining her and trying to get her to eat but she's having none of it and demands to know where her mother is and what Joker's done to her. Eventually Joker crushes her hopes of rescue and leaves her under surveillance.

We get a few more hints that Alina really could be of Wayne blood - her mother didn't seem to convincing in their short trip to court but the lawyer was believing it. Now we have Alfred analysing Alina's blood from the Batman toy salvaged from the car wreck and even Joker insinuating that Alina reminds him of someone...

Meanwhile, Batman punches his way through Gotham with a bit more rage than usual, and after getting an address from one of the clown thugs that survived the heist ends up at Joker's hideout - empty of course except for the corpses. So just like Joker, Harley and Archie have moved on, so does Batman to Killer Croc's hangout. Killer Croc looks a lot like the version in the Joker TPB but more reasonable and less rude.

Then finally after a few nights of frantic yet fruitless searching and punching... it looks like things are shaping up for a Joker/Batman catch up.

The Short End of the Jester Schtick

I love the whole aesthetic of this comic. Joker's gang are a step away from the usual just clown schtick or mob looking guys. Here it's like Joker's actually gone to an old school circus and just rounded up a bunch of people. There's actual clowns along with the kind of people usually ostracised a little bit in society like green morph suit gimps and guys in business attire who also dabble in wearing gas masks. Yet, not one person looks out of place!

The other woman in the gang even wears an outfit not dissimilar to Harley's, who herself looks like a dapper French inspired harlequin in matching colours to Joker. I usually hate when they deviate from her ACTUAL colours, but here you see why she's done it and it makes sense so it's fine. Her outfit's a little revealing but it doesn't feel like OTT sexualisation because Harley's character is so childish. I really enjoyed when her Brooklyn accent comes out when she's ticked and she just drops her whole gleeful persona.

I enjoyed all the little throwbacks to other Joker lore - genuine Easter egg type things and not just in your face GEDDIT GEDDIT GEDDIT?? larks. For example, the Killer Croc right out of the Joker TPB is probably the most obvious one, but there's also a goon in Joker's squad that seems to go by Chip and clearly enjoys servitude. Harley's bat looks like it came right out the Arkham games, another goon gives off severe ICP vibes or possibly an extra from Carny (1980), Archie could be a more jaded version of Gaggy, Joker's "work suit" is like a functional version of the mechanic's jumpsuit from Death of the Family and of course, his classic vest and suit which we've seen before in different versions.

Issue one has been great so far, the art and colours are amazing, I'm enjoying the dynamics between all the characters and the intrigue surrounding Alina. The setting has both a modern yet timeless feel and Joker being more jovial than outright scary and threatening is a nice take because the normality of it while he's doing these outrageous, horrible things.... you KNOW he's evil by reputation alone but you're still kind of drawn to him because he's fun and charismatic.

Wotta Comedian!

Joker: Stop twerking so I can hit you!

Catwoman: Oh great. Now here comes the King of all Party Crashers!

Joker: You aced the landing, Bats. I give you as nine! Hehehe!

Joker: No one shoots the Bat until I say it's time to shoot the Bat!
(shoots goon)
Joker: Okay. NOW I say it's time to shoot the Bat!

Joker: Should work on yer timing, buddy! I've got a party to go to, ya know.

Batman: Vaping? You look ridiculous.
Gordon: Says the guy running around in a bat costume.

Joker: (shooting at Archie but has run out of bullets) What's up with you, Shorty? You don't even flinch.
Archie: Name's Archie. And life sucks. So what do I care?
Joker: So you're suicidal, eh? Love that!

Joker: Their mood swings are exhausting, don't you think Titch? Tidy up this mess, Peewee. Party's over.
Archie: Name's still Archie, Boss.

Bruce: He's missing the symbol.
Alina: Kids at school tore it off. They're always picking on me.
Bruce: I see.
Alina: Doesn't matter. I kicked them in the ba--

Catwoman: A daughter? Interesting. She's cute. Nothing like you.

Joker: Don't worry, it's not poisoned. Look. Although it is disgusting. Chomp! Probably best that you don't have any. all that fat and starch and sugar... causing obesity, diabetes... chomp! ...cancer, even depression! When I tried explaining that to the delivery guy, he laughed at me! Can you believe it? No tip for him!

Alina: What do you want? Where is my mom?
Joker: That's a question I often ask myself. Where IS mom? Maybe I killed her...?

Bullock: Everything going alright in there, Jim?
Gordon: Sounds like it, Harvey.
*inside interview room* AAAAAAAAAAHH!

Killer Croc: That wasn't cool. I had a good hand.

Bonus Panels!

Batman only wears black socks, and doesn't cover his own liabilities. 

This Joker just speaks to me

There sure are a lot of clown themed restaurants in Gotham

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