Well, it's been a while since I've done one of these, and even though this iteration is elseworlds, it's still more canon than the "Birds of Prey" movie so let's go!
Detective Reece fiddles with the fancy new ring he got out of a Christmas cracker, then lo and behold...HUNTRESS APPEARS! She had to wait until the ambulance passing distracted him so she could make her grand arrival, so she was probably sitting up a tree waiting patiently for a few minutes. He's impressed by her timing, she's bragging about her speed like she's a pizza delivery or courier mail service, he wants to get onto talking about kicking it up a notch in their relationship, she's not sold and I'm over here thinking HOW did she know where he was AND how did she get there so fast, she just has to be stalking this guy, seriously.
Anyway, they're off flirting or whatever it is that's not an emergency but meanwhile, the club is getting shot up by a bunch of motorcycle dorks wearing animal head pieces. I mean, I'm kinda impressed by the skill it must have took to ride the motorbike and hold up a club while wearing something that may impede your vision, but the furry in me is offended at how lazy their costumes are. I mean, just the heads? No tails or anything?? Maaaaan!

That said, it may not just be a gang gimmick because when the bartender pulls a gun, Cathead does some super speed ninja-ing to save a wolf friend. Props for this one thug to go the cartoon route when their colleagues clearly decided on an ultra-realistic theme. You might even say this lone wolf went against the pack mentality? Hehehe.
Then just to show she's super cool, cat lady downs a random drink at the bar which is a very bad example. I mean, that drink could have been spiked, backwashed in, or just taste feral.
This gang at least seem to care enough about each other, and are also their own hype men. But wait... why does cat lady have a similar necklace to the one Helena was wearing? Her penchant for leather outerwear and fancy violence?? Probably because...
*pause for dramatic reveal*
It IS Helena!
After the intro, we're right back at GCPD and Reece gives Huntress a stack of CCTV images from the bar robbery, and asks her if there's something she wants to tell him. We are five minutes in to a Gotham based show, and there is a detective that's not Batman, Montoya or Gordon doing some brain work!
I.... I don't know how to react!
Ohhh wait... I done been fooled. There is some pre-episode set up going on where Reece has enlisted Huntress to go undercover in this gang. Right.
I can't tell if these two are angry at each other, genuinely working together or just flirting still because they're referring to her infiltration of the gang as coffee dates, heavy petting and second base. I mean, I guess they're not really bad analogies but.. come on guys, keep it in your tight leather pants, ok?
We finally get to catch up with Barbara - she's back at the school with her wannabe beau. Nice, I was wondering what happened to him. What do you know, these two are also doing the will they/won't they thing. These two have less time than Helena and Reece and also have a working relationship but they decide to just do it, but take it slow. Wade refers to their speed at molasses.. which, yes, isn't known for speed but hey, don't count it out because it can be a real bastard when least expected.
The very next scene reveals that this too, is a lie! They totally bonked! Later, Barbara is telling Helena about it (the loudest person in any room, yet Barbara tries in vain to shush her) and while she seems happy with Wade, his pillow talk about 'taking care of her' gave her a weird feeling as she wasn't sure if he was referring to her being in a wheelchair or not. While I appreciate the show for bringing up concerns like this, I personally feel it's more to do with Barbara being a complete weirdo and a flake around him. I mean, this woman's chaotic 'online baking thing' was probably a red flag to this man already but he persevered and I would take it that he wants to look after her in a deeper sense, like forever/married type of care. Helena's just impressed Wade didn't have to struggle to remember Barbara's name afterwards. Oof.
Dinah jumps into the conversation and is keen to help out (with the crime fighting, not the relationship issues) but Barbara is concerned Dinah hasn't had enough time to mourn her mother's death from last episode. Dinah explains that she's basically mourned her mother since she was given up by her at a very young age, and as she didn't really know her that well, she's able to deal with the loss a bit better.
Later, Huntress is chatting - fairly loudly I might add - over her earpiece to Oracle about breaking down the animal gang... seconds before she opens the door. Huntress is a bit cocky and self assured, but damn, no chill huh? I have no idea how the gang didn't hear her yelling down the street as apparently they were all quietly awaiting her arrival. When she does bust the door down, they clap her, show her a blurry photo that managed to both make the front page as well as cause Peter Parker to weep into his well procured selfies, and then gift her with a new motorbike.
There does seem to be a bit of unspoken tension between Cat and Wolf - the two female gang members. Fox seems oblivious to this. Oh-hoh-hoh.... it's because of the sexual tension between Cat and himself. Wolf clearly doesn't trust Cat, which is fair enough as she's basically a rookie, proven or not. Plus Cat/Huntress keeps going with these sexual innuendos about the crimes. I feel like even Austin Powers would tone it down a bit.
Reece meanwhile is sipping his fancy miso soup while his men camp out in smelly stake out vans. As well as being so comfy, he's soooo unsubtle with the speaking into the lapel business. Especially when the animal thugs burst into the restaurant. I mean, damn. Unfortunately, it's all for naught as the signal was jammed by the baddies. Cat even has to take Reece down to save face. Well, probably not his face. He got hit pretty hard in it twice, then he fell on it. Revenge for leadership perks? I'd like to think so!
Dinah and Barbara spar, but Barbara stops as Dinah is too fueled by anger to train properly. This, unhappily, makes Dinah more angry, and she stomps out. Alfred and Barbara have a little chat in the gym that starts out about Dinah but then quickly jumps to how Helena and Reece have a struggle with their vaguely law straddling relationship. I get it's part of the storyline but damn do I feel bad for Dinah. I can't even see her anymore under the carpet she got swept under.
Meanwhile, Cat is playing strip poker again and winning. These guys suck at games, which is a shame because apart from robberies and drinking, that's all they seem to do. Cat finds out there's a higher up boss and wants to arrange a meeting, which sets the hackles off on Wolf again but Fox is like, yeah, this isn't suspicious. I'm sure we can get a meeting happening even though the boss doesn't like it and you're really new in the gang. Sheesh. How did he get to be the sub-leader?
Anyway, turns out the big boss isssss...... Harleen Freakin' Quinzel, Doctor of Psychiatry.
She sure meets a lot of people in her civilian persona. But, that's fine I guess? Maybe these people do know who she really is and are afraid to reveal her secret identity that's... not really a secret? Look, I don't know. I don't make the rules here. All I know is that Harley steals every line she gets in this show and it's great.
Reece and his partner are on stakeout and run out of coffee immediately. They flip a coin and the doughnut reformed cop runs off to get more coffee even though we can clearly hear the gang approaching on motorbikes. Um... what? Huntress appears and dangles a doughnut in front of Reece's binoculars and they have a chat about the big boss, who Huntress assumes is male. (Ha! Funk you thought!) but Reece is focused on catching the small fries so out of spite, Huntress doesn't tell him the next hit location.
Unfortunately, while buying snacks for the next criminal shindig, Wolf comes across our sneaky cop who promised he wasn't going for doughnuts... but ultimately lied. Fox and Wolf decide to send a welcome wagon their way without the rest of the gang knowing. Meanwhile McNally finds out Reece's source is a lady type source and gets the idea that there has to be something else going on. Well, there is, but still, that's a bit derogatory for women in the source field. Like, do you cops want help or not?
This thought gets interrupted by the gang hitting a New Gotham club - sans masks? Ooookay? They also get away in a mystery machine instead of the cool bikes they literally just shelled out for. Speaking of vans, the stake out van explodes and McNally appears to be incinerated because he can't pick a coin toss up to literally save his life. Oof, that felt bad.
No, wait, Barbara tells a partied out Helena that he's in the ICU and should pull through. Wow, she's a poet through me, and she doesn't even know it. Hmm, that one wasn't as good.
Helena feels bad and goes to apologise to Reece. She does this from a very low point so Reece ends up looking down on her like she's a clown in a storm drain. Her apology isn't going to win any awards, especially after her speech to Barbara defending the 'harmless' thugs with guns.
Cat goes to the club, acts suspicious around Fox who seems to find this a turn on instead of a concern, and ends up forcing a kiss on her. Well, Wolf ain't happy. Especially as it seems like she saw Reece and Huntress earlier. Things escalate as Dinah kinda forces her way onto the team and follow Cat on her noisy bike in Dinah's noisy car and parks right outside the hideout. Umm..?
Cat is told she'll meet the head honcho but it's Reece tied up and when she yells his name like a useless damsel she gets tased. Which of course, shorts out her communication necklace. I don't know why the gang don't just use that jamming technology in their lair? Anyway, now SHE'S captured too. Not the best rescue ever.
Dinah decides to ignore Oracle's warning and goes in. She does pretty good, she both surprises and subdues one of the goons. Although my favourite Oakenfield song is playing in the background and it's hard not to be a bad-ass when that tune hits. Halfway into the tasing party, Huntress remembers she has legs. In hindsight, the gang must have felt pretty stupid after this because basically when she ran with them all Cat did was kick things.
Anyway, Huntress busts out and defeats Fox but then Dinah shows up, then kicks up, and takes Wolf down. Fox jumps out of a window, and Reece flips out of the window. It's all about style really. That, and avoiding Gotham street sludge on your clothes.
There is a bit of a predictable stand off where Reece wants to shoot Fox and Huntress has to talk him down. Eventually Reece compromises on just decking him, then Huntress pulls a Batman on him when the police chopper arrives. Luckily the chopper lights up the promise ring he gave back earlier. I mean, can you imagine if some bum or magpie picked it up? Chaos!
The conclusion was a bit rushed - Barbara and Wade stay together, Helena has therapy with Harleen, oblivious to the sneaky subtext she's getting and then Helena and Dinah reconcile about their mothers on the rooftop.
In saying that, so far this is my favourite episode. Everything seemed to run together really well, was pretty plot driven, there was some great dialogue and fight scenes. Huntress didn't come off as too bratty and Dinah could have been very annoying but ended up making you sympathise with her.
There are a few questionable decisions made by both good and bad guys but hey, what's a serial TV show without some of that?
Reece: That was... quick.
Huntress: You trigger the bat-ring... I show up. That's the deal. What can I do for you, detective?
Reece: Huh, I guess I just didn't realise it was gonna be so fast..
Huntress: I'm known for my response time.
*awkward silence*
Animal Themed Thug: Remember kids, giving is it's own reward! Cash, jewellery, watches and handbags.. please, no knock offs. We're a class act!
Animal Themed Thug: Time really flies when you're snatchin' an' grabbin'!
Huntress: *jumps down behind Reece* Hey.
Reece: You know, you could show up in front of me once in a while.
Huntress: That would undercut the whole broody, mysterious thing..
Reece: Why is everything such a joke to you?
Huntress: It's not a joke, fashion in combat is a very serious issue.
Huntress: And we didn't terrorise anyone... we just... aerated the ceiling a little.
Wade: I did a lot of research. Y'know, 'A thousand and one things to know about dating', 'The academic professional's dating guide to survival', .....some other, lesser known works.
Barbara: Is it bad that I think we should, um, well, just.. sort-of..stick to the friends thing?
Wade: No. No, not... bad. I-i-it's just.. that ah, you. You're way cuter than my other friends. It'd be distracting for everyone.
Barbara: Slow, right?
Wade: Molasses.
Animal Themed Thug: Remember, people don't intimidate people. Guns do.
Animal Themed Thug/Wolf: Police response should be under five minutes.
Animal Themed Thug/Fox: Then we don't try anything fancy. Clean, fast, in and out.
Animal Themed Thug/Cat: I usually like my fun to last a little longer... but I'll see what I can do.
Animal Themed Thug/Fox: So Cat, you know what this means?
Animal Themed Thug/Cat: My pile of unpaid speeding tickets is gonna get a whole lot bigger?
Barbara: I hope you weren't drinking and driving.
Helena: No! The drinking came after the driving... and.. armed robbery.. but before the dancing and strip poker.
Helena: He's just gonna lecture me about rules and procedures..
Barbara: ..and why you shouldn't have knocked him out cold?
Alfred: Dinah is certainly enthusiastic.
Barbara: Give me a villain hell bent on world domination and I know exactly what to do, but a sixteen year old ......
Alfred: I've always found it interesting that the woman Master Bruce chose as his greatest love.. that part of him was lured, seduced... by her lawlessness.
Harleen: All this money... not one death. Seems like such a waste.
Harleen: Oooh look at these, I can buy such pretty things with these! Guns... bombs... shoes...plotting the fashionable overthrow of this city is so expensive!
I've been thinking
Eesh - never a good idea. Try to avoid it, myself.
Oracle: Okay.. so I think we've definitely moved on to the anger stage of grief.
Huntress: You mean there's another one?
Detective Reece fiddles with the fancy new ring he got out of a Christmas cracker, then lo and behold...HUNTRESS APPEARS! She had to wait until the ambulance passing distracted him so she could make her grand arrival, so she was probably sitting up a tree waiting patiently for a few minutes. He's impressed by her timing, she's bragging about her speed like she's a pizza delivery or courier mail service, he wants to get onto talking about kicking it up a notch in their relationship, she's not sold and I'm over here thinking HOW did she know where he was AND how did she get there so fast, she just has to be stalking this guy, seriously.
Anyway, they're off flirting or whatever it is that's not an emergency but meanwhile, the club is getting shot up by a bunch of motorcycle dorks wearing animal head pieces. I mean, I'm kinda impressed by the skill it must have took to ride the motorbike and hold up a club while wearing something that may impede your vision, but the furry in me is offended at how lazy their costumes are. I mean, just the heads? No tails or anything?? Maaaaan!

Then just to show she's super cool, cat lady downs a random drink at the bar which is a very bad example. I mean, that drink could have been spiked, backwashed in, or just taste feral.
This gang at least seem to care enough about each other, and are also their own hype men. But wait... why does cat lady have a similar necklace to the one Helena was wearing? Her penchant for leather outerwear and fancy violence?? Probably because...
*pause for dramatic reveal*
It IS Helena!
After the intro, we're right back at GCPD and Reece gives Huntress a stack of CCTV images from the bar robbery, and asks her if there's something she wants to tell him. We are five minutes in to a Gotham based show, and there is a detective that's not Batman, Montoya or Gordon doing some brain work!
I.... I don't know how to react!
Ohhh wait... I done been fooled. There is some pre-episode set up going on where Reece has enlisted Huntress to go undercover in this gang. Right.
I can't tell if these two are angry at each other, genuinely working together or just flirting still because they're referring to her infiltration of the gang as coffee dates, heavy petting and second base. I mean, I guess they're not really bad analogies but.. come on guys, keep it in your tight leather pants, ok?
We finally get to catch up with Barbara - she's back at the school with her wannabe beau. Nice, I was wondering what happened to him. What do you know, these two are also doing the will they/won't they thing. These two have less time than Helena and Reece and also have a working relationship but they decide to just do it, but take it slow. Wade refers to their speed at molasses.. which, yes, isn't known for speed but hey, don't count it out because it can be a real bastard when least expected.
The very next scene reveals that this too, is a lie! They totally bonked! Later, Barbara is telling Helena about it (the loudest person in any room, yet Barbara tries in vain to shush her) and while she seems happy with Wade, his pillow talk about 'taking care of her' gave her a weird feeling as she wasn't sure if he was referring to her being in a wheelchair or not. While I appreciate the show for bringing up concerns like this, I personally feel it's more to do with Barbara being a complete weirdo and a flake around him. I mean, this woman's chaotic 'online baking thing' was probably a red flag to this man already but he persevered and I would take it that he wants to look after her in a deeper sense, like forever/married type of care. Helena's just impressed Wade didn't have to struggle to remember Barbara's name afterwards. Oof.
Dinah jumps into the conversation and is keen to help out (with the crime fighting, not the relationship issues) but Barbara is concerned Dinah hasn't had enough time to mourn her mother's death from last episode. Dinah explains that she's basically mourned her mother since she was given up by her at a very young age, and as she didn't really know her that well, she's able to deal with the loss a bit better.
Later, Huntress is chatting - fairly loudly I might add - over her earpiece to Oracle about breaking down the animal gang... seconds before she opens the door. Huntress is a bit cocky and self assured, but damn, no chill huh? I have no idea how the gang didn't hear her yelling down the street as apparently they were all quietly awaiting her arrival. When she does bust the door down, they clap her, show her a blurry photo that managed to both make the front page as well as cause Peter Parker to weep into his well procured selfies, and then gift her with a new motorbike.
There does seem to be a bit of unspoken tension between Cat and Wolf - the two female gang members. Fox seems oblivious to this. Oh-hoh-hoh.... it's because of the sexual tension between Cat and himself. Wolf clearly doesn't trust Cat, which is fair enough as she's basically a rookie, proven or not. Plus Cat/Huntress keeps going with these sexual innuendos about the crimes. I feel like even Austin Powers would tone it down a bit.
Reece meanwhile is sipping his fancy miso soup while his men camp out in smelly stake out vans. As well as being so comfy, he's soooo unsubtle with the speaking into the lapel business. Especially when the animal thugs burst into the restaurant. I mean, damn. Unfortunately, it's all for naught as the signal was jammed by the baddies. Cat even has to take Reece down to save face. Well, probably not his face. He got hit pretty hard in it twice, then he fell on it. Revenge for leadership perks? I'd like to think so!
Dinah and Barbara spar, but Barbara stops as Dinah is too fueled by anger to train properly. This, unhappily, makes Dinah more angry, and she stomps out. Alfred and Barbara have a little chat in the gym that starts out about Dinah but then quickly jumps to how Helena and Reece have a struggle with their vaguely law straddling relationship. I get it's part of the storyline but damn do I feel bad for Dinah. I can't even see her anymore under the carpet she got swept under.
Meanwhile, Cat is playing strip poker again and winning. These guys suck at games, which is a shame because apart from robberies and drinking, that's all they seem to do. Cat finds out there's a higher up boss and wants to arrange a meeting, which sets the hackles off on Wolf again but Fox is like, yeah, this isn't suspicious. I'm sure we can get a meeting happening even though the boss doesn't like it and you're really new in the gang. Sheesh. How did he get to be the sub-leader?
Anyway, turns out the big boss isssss...... Harleen Freakin' Quinzel, Doctor of Psychiatry.
She sure meets a lot of people in her civilian persona. But, that's fine I guess? Maybe these people do know who she really is and are afraid to reveal her secret identity that's... not really a secret? Look, I don't know. I don't make the rules here. All I know is that Harley steals every line she gets in this show and it's great.
Reece and his partner are on stakeout and run out of coffee immediately. They flip a coin and the doughnut reformed cop runs off to get more coffee even though we can clearly hear the gang approaching on motorbikes. Um... what? Huntress appears and dangles a doughnut in front of Reece's binoculars and they have a chat about the big boss, who Huntress assumes is male. (Ha! Funk you thought!) but Reece is focused on catching the small fries so out of spite, Huntress doesn't tell him the next hit location.
Unfortunately, while buying snacks for the next criminal shindig, Wolf comes across our sneaky cop who promised he wasn't going for doughnuts... but ultimately lied. Fox and Wolf decide to send a welcome wagon their way without the rest of the gang knowing. Meanwhile McNally finds out Reece's source is a lady type source and gets the idea that there has to be something else going on. Well, there is, but still, that's a bit derogatory for women in the source field. Like, do you cops want help or not?
This thought gets interrupted by the gang hitting a New Gotham club - sans masks? Ooookay? They also get away in a mystery machine instead of the cool bikes they literally just shelled out for. Speaking of vans, the stake out van explodes and McNally appears to be incinerated because he can't pick a coin toss up to literally save his life. Oof, that felt bad.
No, wait, Barbara tells a partied out Helena that he's in the ICU and should pull through. Wow, she's a poet through me, and she doesn't even know it. Hmm, that one wasn't as good.
Helena feels bad and goes to apologise to Reece. She does this from a very low point so Reece ends up looking down on her like she's a clown in a storm drain. Her apology isn't going to win any awards, especially after her speech to Barbara defending the 'harmless' thugs with guns.
Cat goes to the club, acts suspicious around Fox who seems to find this a turn on instead of a concern, and ends up forcing a kiss on her. Well, Wolf ain't happy. Especially as it seems like she saw Reece and Huntress earlier. Things escalate as Dinah kinda forces her way onto the team and follow Cat on her noisy bike in Dinah's noisy car and parks right outside the hideout. Umm..?
Cat is told she'll meet the head honcho but it's Reece tied up and when she yells his name like a useless damsel she gets tased. Which of course, shorts out her communication necklace. I don't know why the gang don't just use that jamming technology in their lair? Anyway, now SHE'S captured too. Not the best rescue ever.
Dinah decides to ignore Oracle's warning and goes in. She does pretty good, she both surprises and subdues one of the goons. Although my favourite Oakenfield song is playing in the background and it's hard not to be a bad-ass when that tune hits. Halfway into the tasing party, Huntress remembers she has legs. In hindsight, the gang must have felt pretty stupid after this because basically when she ran with them all Cat did was kick things.
Anyway, Huntress busts out and defeats Fox but then Dinah shows up, then kicks up, and takes Wolf down. Fox jumps out of a window, and Reece flips out of the window. It's all about style really. That, and avoiding Gotham street sludge on your clothes.
There is a bit of a predictable stand off where Reece wants to shoot Fox and Huntress has to talk him down. Eventually Reece compromises on just decking him, then Huntress pulls a Batman on him when the police chopper arrives. Luckily the chopper lights up the promise ring he gave back earlier. I mean, can you imagine if some bum or magpie picked it up? Chaos!
The Short End of the Jester Schtick
The conclusion was a bit rushed - Barbara and Wade stay together, Helena has therapy with Harleen, oblivious to the sneaky subtext she's getting and then Helena and Dinah reconcile about their mothers on the rooftop.
In saying that, so far this is my favourite episode. Everything seemed to run together really well, was pretty plot driven, there was some great dialogue and fight scenes. Huntress didn't come off as too bratty and Dinah could have been very annoying but ended up making you sympathise with her.
There are a few questionable decisions made by both good and bad guys but hey, what's a serial TV show without some of that?
Reece: That was... quick.
Huntress: You trigger the bat-ring... I show up. That's the deal. What can I do for you, detective?
Reece: Huh, I guess I just didn't realise it was gonna be so fast..
Huntress: I'm known for my response time.
*awkward silence*
Animal Themed Thug: Remember kids, giving is it's own reward! Cash, jewellery, watches and handbags.. please, no knock offs. We're a class act!
Animal Themed Thug: Time really flies when you're snatchin' an' grabbin'!
Huntress: *jumps down behind Reece* Hey.
Reece: You know, you could show up in front of me once in a while.
Huntress: That would undercut the whole broody, mysterious thing..
Reece: Why is everything such a joke to you?
Huntress: It's not a joke, fashion in combat is a very serious issue.
Huntress: And we didn't terrorise anyone... we just... aerated the ceiling a little.
Wade: I did a lot of research. Y'know, 'A thousand and one things to know about dating', 'The academic professional's dating guide to survival', .....some other, lesser known works.
Barbara: Is it bad that I think we should, um, well, just.. sort-of..stick to the friends thing?
Wade: No. No, not... bad. I-i-it's just.. that ah, you. You're way cuter than my other friends. It'd be distracting for everyone.
Barbara: Slow, right?
Wade: Molasses.
Animal Themed Thug: Remember, people don't intimidate people. Guns do.
Animal Themed Thug/Wolf: Police response should be under five minutes.
Animal Themed Thug/Fox: Then we don't try anything fancy. Clean, fast, in and out.
Animal Themed Thug/Cat: I usually like my fun to last a little longer... but I'll see what I can do.
Animal Themed Thug/Fox: So Cat, you know what this means?
Animal Themed Thug/Cat: My pile of unpaid speeding tickets is gonna get a whole lot bigger?
Barbara: I hope you weren't drinking and driving.
Helena: No! The drinking came after the driving... and.. armed robbery.. but before the dancing and strip poker.
Helena: He's just gonna lecture me about rules and procedures..
Barbara: ..and why you shouldn't have knocked him out cold?
Alfred: Dinah is certainly enthusiastic.
Barbara: Give me a villain hell bent on world domination and I know exactly what to do, but a sixteen year old ......
Alfred: I've always found it interesting that the woman Master Bruce chose as his greatest love.. that part of him was lured, seduced... by her lawlessness.
Harleen: All this money... not one death. Seems like such a waste.
Harleen: Oooh look at these, I can buy such pretty things with these! Guns... bombs... shoes...plotting the fashionable overthrow of this city is so expensive!
I've been thinking
Eesh - never a good idea. Try to avoid it, myself.
Oracle: Okay.. so I think we've definitely moved on to the anger stage of grief.
Huntress: You mean there's another one?
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Play nice or play dead! Harley Quinn's rules!