Hi guys, today I've chosen to do a review of a fairly unconventional and to be honest, seemingly universally loathed comic issue of Batman #663 - The Clown at Midnight.
Written by: Grant Morrison
Art by: John Van Fleet
April 2007
Personally, I like this comic but I do understand where the haters are coming from.
First of all - it's issued as a comic book, but it is actually more like a short story. I feel like some readers felt tricked at that part alone, because the cover art gives no indication that this comic book should be any different than the rest of the Batman ones out there.
Secondly, it's extremely descriptive. Now me, I love reading so I don't care that there are ten times as many words in this issue than there are pictures. So it's pretty telling that if someone like me has to sometimes stop and re-read a sentence to recall what they're describing in the first place. That said.. I feel that the imagery evoked by the words are essential to the story and they have to be.
You have a story here where the Joker is unable to talk, Batman's his usual cheerful, talkative self and a lot of the action takes place in cemeteries, or when one character is all by themselves. The language is flowery but it sure as hell beats outspoken exposition!
Here though, where you can't - literally can't - actually watch the action unfold, the wording makes it vividly clear what is happening and lets you get inside the Joker's mindset.