Well here we are again. I didn't think I'd be reviewing this next issue because I didn't really like the last one. I should have liked it, but the thin plot, shoddy art, weird characterisation and the fact that it was a hastily shoved together prequel to the movie that just came out, which was itself a cash grab based off Harley Quinn's surge in popularity.
That and there doesn't seem to be any point to this comic apart from look at Harley Quinn doing things.. oh look here's Poison Ivy and they're doing things without the Joker! In their classic costumes! See how we're sort of but not really the Animated Series again? Don't you love that?
Are you happy now fans!? Be happy! Buy our merchandise!!
Harley wakes up with a headache and in classic creepy Timm style decided to loose the pants but keep the socks.
Boy has she got an arse you could lay a butler tray flat on or what? Yikes!
She's in Poison Ivy's Hothouse Hideout... hmm, I wonder how long that name took her to think up?
She complains about the food being too protein heavy when a mysterious voice educates her about her own best friend's eating habits.
First of all... rude! Secondly...
In BTAS: we see her in a similar situation and providing food for Harley after they escape to a hideout. It's salad and vege.
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It's only for a few days, Harl. |
In another comic, we see Pam has been hard at work developing her research. When some jerk stole it, he used it to make a cheap soy based burger additive. Was this Pam's original intention? To replace meat?
Other comics have her more plant like... where she seems to photosynthesise her own food and needs to be around people to breathe. In No Man's Land, she was a farmer and we see her chomping apples. In Poison Ivy: a cycle of life and death she only drinks water even at a bar. There is a scene where she appears to have ordered a coffee, but doesn't drink it. She has a conversation with fellow scientist Darshan - a practising Jain who cannot harm animals or plants. She asks what he eats but doesn't discuss what she has for nourishment.
In Gotham City Sirens she made a fruit tree appear out of nothing as a home warming gift to Selena.
She has been shown in other comics to dissolve people inside of some of her plants but it's not clear if she's just ruthless or feeding her plant. I don't think Ivy herself is carnivorous. Does she eat eggs, bacon, ham and sausages? I really don't know.
She has been shown in other comics to dissolve people inside of some of her plants but it's not clear if she's just ruthless or feeding her plant. I don't think Ivy herself is carnivorous. Does she eat eggs, bacon, ham and sausages? I really don't know.
Given her abilities to grow her own plants extremely quickly, I personally believe she chooses to eat fruit/vege from only these plants as she would not harm them and they can be replenished quickly.
For more introspect on Ivy's dietary habits click here, over here or even here.

Anyway, back to the comic where Doug has been standing in the corner surrounded by pot plants waiting... biding his time even, for someone to specifically criticise Ivy's cooking for it's high protein content at which point, he will emerge like the green... afro'd... broccoli lookin' guy who escaped the 70's that he is and defend... her honour... or something?
Harley makes a nice Disco Stu burn but then ruins it by suggesting Ivy and herself go and flash some church goers. Harl darl - that's what nasty old perverts do in trench-coats. Why you trying to sexually harass people in their place of worship?
Plot wise, Ivy's ticked off that Wayne Enterprises is bulldozing some rare plant along the river line in order to build a few hotels. Naturally Bruce Wayne being Batman is a key point here. If it was anyone else, then sure. Ivy can go nuts on them. Has she tried talking to Wayne though? He's seemed open in the past to putting his business on hold if anything was adversely affected, you know like plants or homeless people etc.
Harley is a bit insensitive about Ivy's issues claiming that hotels are okay because you get little soaps from them. Ivy compares losing this plant to wildlife conservation issues and how humans value rare animals more than rare plants.
This page - my gosh, Harley just flat out is not dealing with putting on a bra is she? Newsflash - this is not the New52 Suicide Squad, Harley!
For another thing... I was right! This costume does have a painted on collar!!!
Poison Ivy was planning to rob a bank but Harley Quinn and Doug the Shrub agree that the best way to avoid trouble is to steal from folks who can't go to the police such as other criminals.
Then this scene happens pretty much like for like as it happened in the movie. I don't know if this is just a random character quirk for two hardened criminals or just how the writers think females act if someone starts being emotional or what but geez.
I have never acted like this in my life except when something terrible happens and literally everyone is upset but even then I'm the one handing out tissues, not using them.
Moving on - Condiment King and his ridiculous alliteration regarding seasonings are trying to hold up the Gotham City BBQ Festival.. wait, I'm sorry the what now?
I've often joked that any event in Gotham is ripe for a supervillain strike but damn, this is getting sad!
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Oh Nightwing, you get me! |
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Nightwing also seems to get Harley as well due to circus mentality. |
What a terrifying contraption.
Also not the most stealthy or inconspicuous what with all the farty noises.
I spare a moment to wonder where she got this, where it was stashed, and where it's going now that Harley has dismounted.
Yep, Harley decides to rob one of her own friends who is meant to be out of town. Is this a lame cameo? Is it revenge after Catwoman robbed Harley's safe at her slumber party?? Why did someone decide to turn Catwoman into her B:TNAS ugly ass green skinned alien persona??? Why on earth would someone like Catwoman not have a high tech security system in place???? Did Catwoman seriously use her birthday for a combination????? Where did the Siamese cat come from??????
The Short End of the Jester Schtick
Well the art is a tiny bit better. It shines a bit when it's just Harley's facial expressions but otherwise is still pretty meh. It's also very inconsistent. Remember when I pointed out that Harley's derriere was jutting out enough to be able to support a tray? Well, that butt is gone by the time she's put her costume on.Nightwing looks fine enough (even though that mullet is ridiculous) but the scene where he punches Condiment King makes him look like a terrible parody of Johnny Bravo.
I see Batman and Nightwing talking about how they thought Harley was going to continue the BBQ heist to taunt Joker.... but I'm having trouble remembering if this actually happened in the first issue or if it was even mentioned?
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