Sept 2009
Writer: Paul Dini
Artist: Guillem March
Colours: Jose Villarrubia
Letters: Steve Wands
After reading waaay too much Hardly Quinn lately and feeling sad about the much hyped Paul Dini co-written Harley Loves Joker mini.. I decided the best way to refresh was to come back and do a Sirens review.
Last time we left off with Harley Quinn and Poison Ivy both moving in with Catwoman and then interrogating her about Batman's identity. Classic Gotham behaviour. Catwoman says screw you guys and mentally goes back three years to an encounter with Talia in Tibet. Which, while sounding like a Tintin reference, is a great way to show how awesome Catwoman is.
She just took out like a dozen assassin guards and almost snuck up on Talia. (Pro-tip, one does not simply sneak up on Talia) Heck, she came all the way to Tibet despite knowing who invited her.
Talia also has back up guards... hey, I told you about sneaking up on her.

Why has Talia asked Catwoman to fly all this way for a creepy yoga influenced sleepover in this cold ass location surrounded by cuddly assassin guards?
Why, to help safe guard Batman's secret, so as to prevent Gotham assholes from discovering his identity through them.
That's right Harley and Ivy! You've gotta get up a lot earlier than this to get Catwoman.
Exactly three years earlier to be precise.
Points for the idea though, surprised it didn't come up earlier from this lot. Anyway, further flashbacks show that Catwoman tends to be harassed by long haired, pale women in green outfits.
Ivy thinks her vines and plant-y persuasions have Catwoman on the breaking point but the answers they get are not what they expected.
I like this page a lot. For one thing, Harley crouching down to study their psychological captive looks like something she would do instead of just a clever way to have all three women in the panel.
Her insistence on Puddin's beliefs ring true as well and her outfit is cute. There's enough throwbacks to her classic colour scheme without being beaten over the head with it.
Hell, it looks like she bought her clothes from a store and customised them.
Ivy is happy grilling Catwoman over the Batmen theory but Harley declares she's bored and needs retail therapy.
It seems pretty early in the day but whatever. None of the passerbys on the street seem to mind.
Obvious torso shot is forgiven because I can picture Harley walking around like this. She has lost some diamond decals from her booty shorts though.
I never thought I'd say this but I suddenly want a two-toned puffer jacket.
She happens past some hardened criminals who reminisce about a Joker anecdote that goes to show both Harley and Joker's messed up relationship and also a Joker that was feared instead of whatever we have now that passes for a Joker.
Gosh these crims are up early to do their work and that alleyway doesn't look wide enough to drive out with their eye-catching car but hey, who am I to judge?
Well Harley has made the trend for puffy bomber jackets, as shown by the camera crew filming Bruce Wayne. Is that Jimmy Olsen? Did he get a promotion?? Go, freckles!
The criminals decide that this street, in the middle of the morning (?? I guess?) full of witnesses and media is the best time to attack Wayne.
The open top car is inspired for kidnapping but still a weird time to strike. As long as it works. Wayne's internal monologue opens up some questions about his true identity just in time for Harley to leap onto the bonnet spouting her catchphrase 'Hiya!'
So cute though.
And attacking on the bonnet of a speeding car while you're outnumbered and being shot at is pretty bad ass.
Harley's defending 'Brucie' because he signed her release papers from Arkham and figures one good turn deserves another.
Particularly a turn into a toy store window as the car veers out of control.
All is well though, Brucie smoothes everything over with the mall cops, no pedestrians are killed, Harley finds a doll she was looking for and Hush has an opportunity to enact revenge on Harley for her part in Catwoman's attack on Hush's fortune.
Which she wouldn't have done if Hush hadn't cut out her heart to attack Batman.
Look, Gotham criminals are a cowardly and superstitious bunch but they're also a bit petty and caught in a vicious cycle.
Meanwhile, things are all good back at Casa de Sirens as Catwoman learns that as well as mind manipulation and some kinky rope play, Ivy can also make breakfast. Anyway, Catwoman receives a text from Harley - a selfie with Hush - that Catwoman realises is no Bruce Wayne!
They bust into the restaurant where the couple was to find Harley's doll stabbed in the face and her phone (with ADORABLE diamond charms) left on the table, along with a candle which - while romantic and thematic and all is highly irresponsible. The Maitre D has no idea what's going on and seems more fazed by the ladies bursting in than the threatening kidnap he may have just witnessed.
Oh,Gotham. Never change.
Catwoman is in a black tactile-neck so you know it's serious, Ivy is in a more playful leafy halter-top to show off her sunny personality.
A great follow up to the first issue - even though the characters mostly look like they're walking around with their eyes shut, the art is decent and all the characters seem like themselves.
Harley is priceless - about to drive into a previously unseen toy store front she asks Hush/Wayne if he likes toys. He answers with a ..... yes? to which Harley declares "Then we're in luck! Wheee!" as they demolish the toy store's front and knocking over a display of Batman plushies.
Selina and Ivy definitely got the short end of the stick compared to her adventures, Selina's able to shake off the mind control betrayal, and determines where Harley is after only a split second of vague clues that we're not privvy to. Also, why did they have to drive when Harley walked?
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And why did I have to take a cab?? |
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