Keeping up with the variant schtick again trying to get people to buy two issues...
Here we have generic Hardly Quinn reminiscing about how she used to be awesome and classic-esque Harley Quinn swinging around with a puppy, because apparently she forgot she had hyenas or something. Whatever.
We open up on a generic dingy motel that isn't drawn very well... it looks like the cheap wooden cabins we stayed in at school camp as opposed to a dingy motel you could be proud to carry out some illegal activities in.
I think it's raining, but it could be archery/spear practise. More information on that later.
Harley Sinn is already a better thug than Hardly is, feeding her captives, speaking English, having a chat, and heck, she's already made me laugh when she reason's out why she can't shoot them both in the face.
Both Mason and Macabre, when un-gagged, choose to grill Sin about Quinn instead of asking 'where are we going? who are you? Why have you kidnapped us? Are we going to die? What is this generic takeaway food?'
Yeah, what's your beef with Quinn, Sin? How could anyone EVER hate Hardly? I'd say good question but every issue she's in just seems to cement the fact that she's an annoying overbearing murderer with bad colour co-ordination soo.....?
Also, all of these people have weird shaped heads. For some reason, Sin actually listens to her captives in bad Villainy 101 - getting influenced by biased victims.
I kind of like it because it shows Sin can be reasoned with, something you can't do with Hardly.. but then Mason chucks a huuuge spanner in the works by asking if she reeeaaally thinks Hardly would send Sin to Arkham.
Mate, your stupid shag-buddy flings people as well as rectum waste off a catapult for a good time and has literally just murdered a room full of people in the last few weeks alone... I honestly don't think having someone committed to her old stomping grounds is some horrific unwritten line she just won't cross.. and as always... RULES ARE FOR LOSERS! Amirite?? .....ugh.

Hardly has the hide to diss the way someone else speaks because she felt like she wasn't nearly hypocritical enough lately and deserves a well earned Tzap.
This ends in a stalemate because of forced drama and Hardly again rips on someone else for their dialogue. Mate, when you stop speaking like an inbred hick and busting up other people's residences, only then may you pass judgement.
Another stalemate because of forced drama ends in both Hardly and futurebatperson in seperate glass booths tied to chairs.
Hardly gets to watch futurebatperson or Devani get grilled about her incorrect future and their present day/alternate timeline. Which is stupid, because Devani went in here knowing full well that Hardly had NOT at this time killed Batman but would go on to, hence the time travelling Terminator rip off.
Hardly just about jizzes her pants watching the show and then shows a demented vision of Batman, saying that she might off him if he.. attacks an animal shelter..? Geez.

Doesn't matter, she only cares about her parents coming over and her room is a mess, who cares about Devani and her bloodlines, right? Who's the monster again, I forgot..
Anyway it's Dead Tool, I mean, Red Tool who surprise, is the narrator and the first 'Batfan' contestant to be sent back in time. He tells Devani to knock that shit off and gives her an apartment to enjoy until she's sent back to the future.
Red Tool totally hired some guy (or taxi driver?) to play dead for this part but this may backfire as Devani still thinks her ancestor is toast.
All this important storyline (??) will have to wait though, because Hardly's parents are here!
Aaaand... of course, they do not resemble any of the parents we're seen for Harley or Hardly over the years... even the ones G-D drawn by the writers themselves.
It is... apparently, way too much to ask for a smidge of consistency for one character or story.
Harley Loves Joker Pt 5
Jumping in with another jump in time for our two BTAS knock offs, here's Joker asking for a photo of the crook that keeps hitting his heists... and getting cranky when literally anyone can see that's Catwoman. The background characters, who I assume are thugs? have more lines on their faces than a damn Jim Lee drawing and when Harley walks in on this, her first reaction is to punch someone instead of doing something like Harley Quinn.
Make a quip? Use a funny prop?
No, this Harley is way too angry - and she gets angry at Joker for asking where she's been. I'd be angry too, because she's forgotten that they have a collection of hench men to do grunt work like what she's been doing all day. Including grand theft auto because of Joker's personalised plates being incompatible with hiding out.
But it's okay to do chores in your crime outfit?
The hyenas eat a chopped cheese sandwich... what is a chopped cheese sandwich? I don't know but here's Harley, with another bat with generic writing on it. Yet two people wrote this story, so the bat's writing actually makes more sense than the plot because off she goes again on a grunt job to a gag store at some stupid hour of the night.

Which she does shortly after hearing them yak on about artisan something or others and talking about how rich they are in front of some whacko in the middle of the night in Gotham or wherever they are.
Obvious stereotypes are PAINFULLY obvious, so it's okay if they die by way of a baseball bat pulled out from absolutely nowhere.
Come on, we saw her silhouette before with no bat to be seen, you could have at least have had her use something in the gag store!
Talk about your missed opportunities!
I keep seeing Paul Dini being credited as one of the authors here but the characterisation just reeks of Palmiotti and his crap version of Hardly Quinn.
As well as goofs and poor stereotypes to save space on actually writing characters, there's not really an established timeline or timeframe.
No one knows who Catwoman is, but Harley references Jenna Duff as a friend and Joker still isn't fully established but Batman's running around?
Also the obvious stereotypes missed a money making endeavour by throwing out stuff instead of selling it to the ten or so circuses that orbit Gotham like so many bad Harley Quinn interpretations.
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