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Countdown tie-in Dec 2007 Writer: Paul Dini Pencils: Don Kramer Inker: Wayne Faucher |
Hot off the heels of Harley's previous release from Arkham incarceration is Detective Comics #837!
We open on the Riddler lamenting being a bit on the poor side since going legitimate but still loving the thrill of the investigation/lifestyle. The thing I like about Dini's writing is that - as well as being witty and entertaining - he genuinely seems to care for the characters he writes.
Riddler going legitimate could have been the corniest shit from the cob in anyone else's hands but here you are invested. You *want* him to do well as you see him struggling yet resisting the obvious pull back into the criminal lifestyle.
You can say the same for Harley. Dini is the best writer for her, apart from perhaps the Injustice guy. In this one book, she deals with going legitimate as well, finding her own way solo, running a team and taking down the bad guys.. and she does it with humour and without losing any of the charm that made us all Harley Quinn fans. Best of all, you get her accent without being drowned in a vat of marble mouthed exaggerations of English.
Bruce Wayne offers Riddler a gig which he readily accepts. It's to find a missing employee who seems to have absconded with a new drug that affects stamina and cellular regeneration. This gig leads him out of Gotham and into Metropolis and into the Athenian Women's Help shelter... from which he readily gets kicked out of courtesy of everyone's favourite reformed jester.
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Told you. |
Yep, like the last Detective Comics issue I reviewed (here) it's another villain cross-over/team up, only this time they're both reformed.
Harley still has her trademark pigtails but has traded in her jumpsuit and prison trackies for an Amazonian stola/robe. She hasn't quite got a hang on the peaceful Amazon way though.
Unfortunately, Athena herself sees the exchange and makes Harley co-operate with Riddler to comply with law enforcement. Once outside and aware she's not a suspect, Harley relaxes a bit and has a coffee with Riddler in what could be a forerunner for the cafe from HISHE.
Life on the outside is different for Harley now - having no one to turn to. She was however, able to find employment straight away... with the Secret Six! Man, was I glad to see this back in the day. I loved that series. It's nice to see Harley's history called out here. We have a reference to her original comic series by the Dodsons, her time in the Secret Six with Gail Simone.. she even wears the spring heels first spotted in Hush.
It's also a nice foil to Riddler - both characters are trying to stay on the right side of the law. Riddler is doing maybe the better professional job of it while Harley - not in the Joker's clutch but still plagued with mental issues does a bit of a clumsy job of it. Her heart's in the right place though.
I love that in both times we see Harley in the Secret Six (on missions, not just flashbacks or alternate stories) she either completely balls it all up or the team does and then she bails.
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And this was her reaction both times. |
Harley confides about what she's heard lately of the permanent relocation for villains which includes her previous Puddin' although I don't think she's aware of that. I don't think the Salvation Run writers knew much about Harley either, seeing as how they basically replaced her role with Jewelee.. and forgot that Jewelee has her own Punch... wow that's a vicious cycle of clowns that seems to be based around Brooklyn.... Huh. Anyway - let's move on.
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I love how the first panel is basically a reflection of the Secret Six scene |
Harley goes on to describe how she was trying to find gainful employment by someone unknowing or uncaring of her criminal past and that's how she became Athena's right hand gal. She recognises the ex-employee that Riddler is chasing, and as the shelter is women only, she tells him she'll look into it.
Holly - Catwoman's former protege - is also at the shelter trying to find all four of her feet. (Cat joke... couldn't resist!) Harley ropes her into being her back-up when she interrogates Lisa/Sally. It goes about as well as can be expected. Lisa/Sally is open about what she stole and tries to make a deal with Harley who is offended.
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It's highly effective! |
Lisa/Sally uses some of the drug on herself which gives her a small advantage but Harley holds her own and manages to kick her into Athena's magical whirlpool which has an adverse reaction. Lisa/Sally reptile-hulks out and begins attacking Harley and Holly with renewed vigour when a cloaked purple/green clad figure clocks her with a dumbbell.
Harley helps Riddler recover the stolen drugs and Lisa/Sally is taken away under the name of Scylla - based on the Greek legend. It's revealed that Athena herself was Scylla's contact as she hands over a discreetly taken sample of Scylla's blood for Desaad to extract the compound in order to make a new breed of warriors.
Batman and Robin watch on as Riddler buys the place overlooking Robinson Park that he was pining for, and Batman reveals that he knew how to track Scylla the whole time but he wanted to test Riddler on exactly HOW legitimate he was.
The Short End of the Jester Schtick
All in all, another solid issue.
What's outstanding about Harley's characterisation here is that it completely underlines what made her so unique and loveable. She gets an offer to join a squad immediately after getting out on parole but her heart's not in it. Deep down, she is not a thorough criminal.
This is one of the reasons I thought she was a terrible choice for Suicide Squad - they had to change her personality entirely to make her fit, making her a bloodthirsty, sadistic any-villain while if anyone who knew the character at all would know she would be a terrible team member because she's too nice.
She has done some pretty bad things in her time - mostly Joker-related, some because she's a bit crazy and others she doesn't actually realise she's doing something wrong. Her track records with teams is not that good - Quinntets and Secret Six included.
More than that - here you can see she is actively trying to better herself even though she still has some anger and violence issues. Riddler hasn't really changed or evolved as a character, he's just polished off his act to make money legally.
The art here is it's usual good self but sometimes when I look at these gang signs the ladies are throwing up, I'm reminded of how I act when my nail polish is still drying but I've still gotta get things done.
Wotta Comedian!
Riddler: Easy job, I could have done it in my sleep. In fact, I'm halfway convinced I did.
Riddler: I really should feel guilty about the obscene amount of money I'm soaking Wayne for this, but hell, I'll never be that reformed.
Athena/Granny Goodness: And who is this odd...man?
Harley: I've never seen him before in my life.
Athena/Granny Goodness: Is that true?
Harley: Yes. No. Maybe. I'm late for my tantric massage.
Harley: An' remember that time we were fightin' and Big Barda came crashin' through the ceiling? you shoulda seen the look on your face!
Riddler: Ah, yes. Good times.
Harley: I coulda plotzed! Ha, ha!
Holly: Well, hey! That sounds like no fun at all!
Harley: Thanks! I knew I could count on ya.
Harley: Honey, I used to run with the Joker. Held my own against Catwoman! Poison Ivy! And now I'm supposed to take scraps from some greedy little temp?
Harley: Hey! You can't treat my sidekick like that!
Holly: Ow! Now I'm her sidekick? Great.
Lisa/Sally/Scylla: What's happened to me?!
Harley: Well, it's kinda hard to explain, but basically the spa's water comes from a magic fountain-
Lisa/Sally/Scylla: Arragh! Shut up!
Harley: It's cool! We'll talk later!
Lisa/Sally/Scylla: Rip you to bits!
Harley: Th-that really isn't the Amazon way...!
Robin: Admit it, you're angry he succeeded.
Batman: I'm not angry.
Robin: You're always kind of angry.
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