Harley Quinn - BISEXUAL?
I'll be honest - at first I thought the Volume 2 Harley Series would be great. I didn't mind the first few issues - but I wasn't as keen on them as her original Volume 1 run. I quickly lost interest though.
The art was sporadic, Harley wasn't actually funny OR interesting enough to be the main character, she has ten tonnes of adoring followers in this series - but they're all pretty much two bit stereotypes, Harley's over the top accent is actually not the epitome of humour that the writer seems to think it is, they changed canon by making Harley officially bisexual and inserted a really weird 2D Poison Ivy into their cast..
Stop making making out creepy DC. |
I mean, yeah I know a lot of fans were mad on making them a thing which I always thought was stupid. Now people get shirty if you talk about it - that if you're anti bisexual Harley and Ivy, then you must be a homophobic jerk.
WELL ACTUALLY - some people just don't think that Harley has to be in a relationship non-stop. What Harley and Ivy had in their original forms was a realistic big-sister sort of relationship, they were friends. How many super villains actually have friends? It was unique and loveable.
Which is amazing because Poison Ivy shuns almost all human contact and has little patience for the human traits Harley has - like falling in love and other complications that come from caring for people. Harley - I do think she really could be bisexual because she's the kind of loving person that would fall for anyone regardless of gender. We've already seen Ivy in mainstream comics as bisexual.. but a bit on the plant kink side..
That being said - Poison Ivy is not an ideal candidate. As much as people want to romanticise their relationship the fact is that she is up there with the Joker on people you really shouldn't woo.
She's a seductress, and she kills people. Men, women... she'll chuck them all in her plant petri dish to get off. She doesn't care. She seduces to get to her goal. More than that.. she doesn't like people.
As well as that, pretty much any version of Harley Quinn you find will still be hanging around stronger, more dominant personalities and fan-girling around them. This happened a lot in Volume 2 where she just harasses and stalks Power Girl, Wonder Woman, Green Lantern, Zatanna... you name it.