The lesser of two evils
Released: September 2000
Writer: Bronwyn Carlton
Pencils: Staz Johnson
Inks: Wayne Faucher and Rodney Ramos
The cat is out of the bag, so to speak - Commissioner Gordon has been lead down a trail of unwanted memories and has woken up tied to his wife's headstone by none other than Harley Quinn and Catwoman.
Harley Quinn is a macabre joy to read - a flamboyant clown to Gordon's straight man act.
He has the initial "aww, hell!" reaction but otherwise is in cop mode, which is pretty interesting. I mean, let me re-iterate - he's standing over his wife's partially dug up grave. What I think is going on though, is that his cop brain has taken over.
He fell to pieces briefly in the last issue when he was by himself and plagued with doubts and what ifs.... but now he's confronted with a criminal face to face, that's something he can deal with, even if he isn't in the best place to go about it - so he stays calm and collected.
Gordon tries to make sense of Harley and Catwoman's plan but has an uphill battle. I like Harley's "too hard for girls" quip.
Meanwhile SWAT guy captain and SWAT team dude come to a head over the Cinque centre situation. Damnit, how can SWAT Captain smash some skulls if people keep extending the deadline and not threatening any hostages?! Easy, he sets his team up and tells them to await his command!
Gordon and Catwoman have a nice chat over the sound of the radio and Gordon's smashed glasses.
She's pretty pissed that he had her locked up at the Cinque centre. Let's not forget that as well as actually being caught and locked up, she was attacked a few times, and had to be put in solitary while having a complete identity crisis.
Gordon reasonably points out that hey, it's kinda my job and you do keep breaking the law and stuff.
Which brings them to a "The system failed!" debate.
Gordon's at a complete end. The system he trusted has failed him and yet he does his best to keep carrying on like the system works because what else can he do?
Harley sends Catwoman on a mission to hold up a bank with a political agenda relating to amnesty for the Cinque centre inmates.

Oracle makes a cameo here, half freaked out for her father and half helping figure out the Joker connection. Batman strikes a dramatic pose.
They reference another of my favourite Harley issues, Action Comics #765!
In comparison to the detailed riot scenes from the start of the series, here we get a two page spread about the SWAT team rushing in to destroy everyone. It's fairly bloodless, and all the faces look the same, leaving it unclear who actually is dead or injured and who survived because there are a lot of officers as well as inmates in this scene.
News reaches the mausoleum where Catwoman, Harley Quinn and Gordon are holed up... good to know that radios still work in there.. just in case anyone buries anyone alive in there.
Catwoman's about to shoot Gordon when Batman makes a trademark dramatic entrance.
Batman tries reasoning with the villains, advising Catwoman that Harley is using her and will cut and run if Gordon dies.
Harley replies that she'd probably be an accessory, like a crocodile handbag. Lols!
Batman, as we all know, isn't a fan of comedy and tells Harley that she doesn't even care about Catwoman.
This leads to a clever exchange where Harley is shut off from discussing Selina's tragic back story but Batman leaps onto it as a reference to his own childhood and how he made something of himself after his parents died. Catwoman asks him what orphanage he went to which deftly shuts super-orphan up.
Not to pit orphans against each other but she has a point. Bruce Wayne had his millions to fall back on as well as an omnipresent butler who loves him like family, Selina Kyle had pretty much no one but poverty and desperation at her side. Bruce is white and has the support of the public following the tragic deaths of his parents, Selina is mixed race and a survivor of inner city statistics.
It's easy to say that you should make a better life for yourself despite your past, but it's sure easier to do when you've got the resources behind you to do it.
Selina is more herself now, she's better health wise and the drugs seem to be wearing off. She decides to spare Gordon (but still vows revenge) and admits that Harley did help her through her dark times but she doesn't like being used and rejects both Harley and Batman, making an exit into the night.
Harley also makes an efficient getaway, leaving Gordon - who just prior to this had accepted his fate and Batman who stays to look after him instead of chasing the felons.
Gordon seems cheered and surprised that Batman called for backup. Batman realises that he doesn't know what Selina will do now, unlike before.
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No one seems too bothered by Harley's getaway... even though she's probably going to find the Joker. |
Satisfying conclusion to an interesting couple of issues - I like how Harley Quinn and Catwoman both got away. Batman staying behind for Gordon is a nice touch, seems out of character but it seems like he's so conflicted about Catwoman that he's willing to give her some space. Harley Quinn though - as inconsequential as she seems to others is definitely a threat, especially if she goes back to the Joker so that's a bit of poor hindsight on Batman's part.
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