Cover one: usual blah versions of Harley Quinn as depicted by Connor. A lot of the images aren't even reminiscent of the versions they're supposed to be - their stock standard Hardly Quinn is front and centre - including their weird 'punk rocker' Quinn. Others like Bombshell Harley are given cross eyes and shoved off centre, Arkham Asylum Harley has the wrong colours (ironically) and none of the attitude that made her popular. The best parts of this is when they rip off someone else's style - like Dodson's Harley Quinn or even the hideous original Suicide Squad Harley Quinn complete with pinprick crazy eyes. They've even given her hyena puppies for some reason. You don't get hyena pups because they're cute... you get them because you are so awesome you rise above conventional pets!!
Which makes cover two look like a piece of gosh darned valuable art. I've often criticised the second covers because even though they're beautiful and they're usually Quinn at her most Harley-ish style wise.. they're bland. The backgrounds are non-existent and Harley's usually doing something that doesn't mesh with her new personality. Like use a bike or a swing set without killing anyone.
This one has motion and looks great. Just don't look too closely or you might ask why they need dance steps to jive to the Batman soundtrack which they aren't even following anyway. They keep shoe-horning that freakin' dog in there too. Can you feed him or something? He looks starved for attention and/or food.