Okay so it's Harley Quinn's 25th anniversary this year and DC is going to celebrate by giving her several covers for other issues (they haven't done THAT in a while, right?) as well as giving her Batman's annual celebration... wait, what?
Yes, the fourth year Batman had a celebration after reaching a 75 year milestone... and he gets kicked off for a character who's only at the 25 year mark? Huh?
As much as I like Harley Quinn... it pains me that we have yet to have a Wonder Woman or Superman celebration.. or you know.. a day for any other good character that will never see the light of day as long as the Quinn is making money. It's also painful that they're celebrating Harley Quinn's 25th year after pretty much destroying what made her popular in the first place and replacing it with a.. look there's no other word for it. OBNOXIOUS ASSHOLE.
Seriously, check out this panel and tell me it's not obnoxious. Go on, I'll wait for you while you read it, roll your eyes a few times, skull several neat whiskey's and then drag yourself back to this page.
The other thing that pisses me off is that we also had International Talk like a Pirate day this month and it got less attention than this crap.
The only good thing about that page is that the people who are currently writing it have just made fun of themselves for being hacks. Which they most definitely are, so it's good that they acknowledge it.
The rest of it though? Before, the fourth wall breaking was annoying and unfunny, this is down right cringey lame. It's the comic equivalent of a self absorbed Viner/YouTuber!

Cosplayers who made their own amazing spin on the character or did what they could because there were only a few costumes available on the market initially.
Now it just seems like over saturation of the movie version only.. which itself is like bad cosplay of the character involved..... urgh.
Anyway, they also go on about Suicide Squad the movie saying that it performed better than anyone expected and it was all because of
That DC allows this stuff to be published is pretty telling. No one that I know of wanted Suicide Squad to fail. We wanted the DCEU to be better than what we had been given so far and even though we all knew DC was taking a huge risk by assuming they knew how to set up a universe better than Marvel does - the trailers looked good. The promotion was everywhere. It looked good!

Maggot Robbie got a lot of praise for this movie - and it seems like it's mostly out of fan devotion either for her or for Harley Quinn because it couldn't have been her performance. Her lines were terrible, her backstory was a) the crappy New 52 one and b) done worse somehow and she was pretty much only there for T&A. Megan Fox's character in Transformers got slammed for being the 'useless hot love interest' even though she wasn't that bad (especially in comparison to this!) but people seem almost afraid to bad-mouth Maggot?
If someone does a inconsistent and bad job in a terrible, incoherent and bland movie while wearing threads blatantly stolen from Blondie's wardrobe even though sooo much effort was spent finding the 'right' outfit.... then they should be told "Yeah, you didn't do so well. Maybe we shouldn't have taken a steaming dump on fan's favourite characters after all."
Instead we get sequels and spin offs green lit before the corpse is even cold?

Or the fact that some bad things happened in the year he was created and some hand picked good things happened in the year she was thought up?
Personally, I somewhat agree with the point about Batman beating up Arkham folks.. but on the other hand when he does it he's normally foiling some insane scheme to doom Gotham or something... it's not like he's actually going into their cells to beat them up because it's a Wednesday or anything.

I feel like I could take that criticism of Batman better if this Hardly Quinn wasn't murdering people left right and centre in her supposedly light-hearted solo comic.
Great, now Hardly's even ruined insane murderers for me.
But she wants us to be all like her - just her her her. Dress like her, talk like her, buy her own merchandise, praise her, stand by while she kills people.
Seriously, she's always killing people but then talking up how she's the hero and other people who kill people are like, totally evil and need to be stopped. *blink blink* wtf?
Only, if she thinks she's so great.. why does she go out of her way to be literally anyone else?
Eh, it's too hard to talk about what they've done to my favourite character. I mean it's all well and good that's she's finally being recognised... but it's kind of shallow to say here's a big hurrah to 25 years of Harley Quinn when the character is nothing like the one we loved back when she was introduced and she hasn't even been used properly or even *consecutively* for a good chunk of those 25 years.
Anyway, here's a crap ton of assorted merchandise targeted at whatever Harley Quinn version you like best because any money is good money if you ask DC.
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