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Judas Rising Aug 2012 |
Welp, back to the... 'interesting' cover art. It looks like everyone has been sculpted out of lard or jelly. There are so many lines that Jim Lee's probably salivating into his art supplies...
Harley's boobs... yeah bigger than her head. Her pants are up higher than my daggy high school teacher's trousers, she's lost her eyeballs and muscular thighs have suddenly appeared where she's usually had twigs.
King Shark - as usual - is ten times his usual size on the cover. I know El Diablo's in perspective but the way he's drawn looks like he's stuffed his crotch. Iceberg is doing some sort of super jump ballet pose that makes it look like he has no butt whatsoever and Deadshot is a pure after thought. I also don't know what's going on with Harley's judo chop pose.
Now the first interior art page, I like. Well, the colours anyway. Waller has one giant hand and it doesn't look like her legs are long enough. Meanwhile - Dr. Visyak I presume? She has a fancy hand pose on the right but her left hand... mmm, let's just say it leave a little to be desired. Like, keeping that freaky lefty away from me at all times. Yikes.
Also Deadshot's bitching, AGAIN. Waah waah waah Waller won't tell me every single detail about this misson but whenever she does I just bitch to her face about it waah waah waah. What a sook.
He should be on that toddler page about hilarious reasons why my toddler is crying.
I'm told again by the editor to read Resurrection Man #9. I'm not going to and it wouldn't matter anyway. I'm sure like all the other issues of Suicide Squad it wouldn't explain what they're doing in an elevator shaft or what the mission is that they're either just starting or halfway through.
Deadshot is clearly first in the elevator shaft. Then when it's revealed that Harley Quinn - alive and well is standing in the building they're infiltrating (?) he's the last to exit. Harley does that "Hello, boys..." trope that I hate so much.
And what does that even mean? If she's officially part Harleen part Harley... why on Earth is she licking people? You know, forget it. I don't even care.
I learnt a lot about the Columbia Centre Skyscraper in Seattle, Washington though. How slanty it is, how tall it is, how it was almost a 9/11 target and how there's a tourist viewing deck along with lots of cafes/retail stores etc. Soo.... was the building evacuated or is the Squad just running around and just lucky not to run into any civilians? Is it after hours? Day? Night? Can you tell us something? Anything?
Okay, here's something about a rogue Basilisk agent taking bio-tech company staff hostage in a glass walled conference room. ......Well, that's stupid and answered none of my questions. Then it gets stupider. First, no-one sees the Squad... including the hulking figure of King Shark through the glass. Second, Harley just waltzes in and gets to the conference table that we just saw Basilisk guy on, but he's now on the floor.
Harley calls the pizza a pie, which is also stupid because Americans call their food weird things. Look guys.. you're great but it's either a pizza... OR a pie. Two totally different things!
He seems really surprised so I'm guessing he didn't even lock the door? World's Stupidest Hostage Takers, anyone?
Next the Squad burst through the door... well, technically they burst through the blue abyss but there are a few wooden shards floating about so I guess it's supposed to be the door. The door that was OPEN, you idiots.
Anyway, they shoot all the hostages because apparently they're like, super evil, and like, more evil than Basilisk, because corporations, y'know? It doesn't elaborate more than that. El Diablo does his half English thing. Si, Pero, please put up a fight. Which I figure should read like, yes, but please put up a fight. Why bother leaving 'but' in Spanish? The 'Si' I get, but like.. meh?
Now the above scene.. Harley goes to analyse the Basilisk guy but it comes off as just.. weird. He hadn't considered the consequences of his actions? Lady, he came in here with a plan and a back up plan. You don't just impulsively take hostages and join a suicide cult. He's not a runaway teenager. Also, apparently Iceberg can teleport because one moment nowhere to be seen, then he's behind Black Spider, who is clearly behind Harley Quinn who is in FRONT of Basilisk guy... the next he's behind Basilisk guy and is absolutely hulking over him.
The Squad remove the cyanide capsule hidden in the dude's tooth to prevent any further... incidents. Black Spider reveals that this guy is a Basilisk leader's private guard... which doesn't explain why he was about to blow himself up after requesting nothing that we know of from the bio-tech dorks. Anyway,
A little gross in the sewer, and don't gangs normally display their handiwork to deter others from messing with their turf? Also, you're telling me a drug rat escaped a ninja? Yeah, right.
Next Black Spider and King Shark infiltrate the bio-tech mainframe room... you know what, I would have liked to have seen how they found them and where exactly this mainframe room is. Is it in the same building? Is it across the road? Like, put some stakes up here!
Meanwhile, Yo-Yo has come to duel with Waller for his grievances.
So..... um..... this is weird. I mean, I wouldn't put it past Waller to do this but the thing is... from what I recall of that prison riot arc, Waller told Yo-Yo to get King Shark, then Yo-Yo had the bright idea to go super skinny and put his face right in front of a giant shark's mouth. But yeah, totally Waller's fault. I guess?
What is up with Harley Quinn's hand on this last page?
Anyway, the Scooby Gang think they've messed up but Waller knows someone on their team is a traitor.
Next issue:
Team building when your team sucks.
Yo-Yo decides to audition for a role as a walker on The Walking Dead.
Harley Quinn is accidentally initiated into a local gang.
Cleaners in skyscraper discover a terrible mess in elevator three.
The Short End of the Jester Schtick
Well at the end of the day the group discovered that Basilisk guy was a diversion and the real target was the bio-tech corporation's mainframe. I feel like this is just a strange way to go about it. Like... if I held some fast food staff hostage, the logical conclusion would be that I wanted their money or a large amount of chicken nuggets, right?
If you hold an entire boardroom full of bio-tech staff hostage, and don't appear to make any demands.. as far as this comic tells me..? .... then surely it's no secret that you're after something that this Gendreon bio-tech group has.
Sending in a high ranking official instead of some generic Basilisk drone is a red flag as well. But whatever, it's obviously just a ploy for Waller to get her hands on some dead tissue science.
Overall, not the worst issue but I'd really like these comics to show some sort of lead up to their missions. It's like watching half a Mission Impossible movie - missing the start and just watching the explosions. Why should you care?
For example: how do we know who the Basilisk guy is? How did Waller know this was happening? Where are all the civilians? What is the bad track record that makes Gendreon worse than terrorists and allows Deadshot to basically murder a boardroom? How long was Harley Quinn waiting outside the elevator shaft - how did she get in - and given all the crap she put Waller through earlier, why on Earth would she just let Bo Bo the clown girl waltz off by herself? Where was Yo-Yo after his stealthy stomach escape? Was he just hanging out in Waller's office? Did he even shower or eat something? Go to the loo?
These are all answers this book fails to give me.
Also the art is really weird in a lot of places and makes no sense.
Well at the end of the day the group discovered that Basilisk guy was a diversion and the real target was the bio-tech corporation's mainframe. I feel like this is just a strange way to go about it. Like... if I held some fast food staff hostage, the logical conclusion would be that I wanted their money or a large amount of chicken nuggets, right?
Wotta Comedian!
Waller: ...and I don't care.
Deadshot: A lot of that going around. Must be contagious.
Iceberg: An elevator shaft. Really? Something wrong with the stairs? Not dramatic enough for you guys?
El Diablo: King Shark! No eating! Or Waller will slice you into sushi!
Waller: You're being a little over-dramatic, aren't you?
Yo-Yo: Oh, I'm sorry... but I've been living in King Shark's lower intestine for the last month!
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