Anyway, again two covers. The first one - I love/hate it? Like, it's a cool image, I like the jacket, the style is nice..the hair looks good - different even...but then again it doesn't offer anything that we haven't seen before with the gum, the mallet, the blood splashes and facial tattoos (why?????). Happening more often now.. Harley is wearing Joker paraphernalia and sweet mother of mercy the OCD in me CANNOT handle that flipped jacket flap.
The variant cover is it's usual visual treat.. but I'm getting a bit sick of the nostalgia shoved in my face.. taunting me with a better costume but mixed in with new crap like the fairy floss hair and showing us Bud and Lou - that I will never forgive DC for killing off. Ever. Screw you, DC.
Also, damn Batman! Was that a headshot???

The flashback turns from generic comic book narration to comic character narration with Harley then managing to break the fourth wall, rip off Lobo, pass blame off to other people and insult Captain Triumph's backstory and him personally all in the time it takes her to get thrown out the window.