How, you ask? Yes, well, we'll get into that.
In the meantime, relive Batman's eternal back pain Bane. You can almost hear him screaming at the person taking the picture to get off their ass and help him. Well, classic Harley did over to the left, but then there was the whole strangling thing, sooo....
Opening up with another therapy session - this time a joint venture with Poison Ivy - and then later Harley Quinn because we can't have another Gotham City Siren in the spotlight! Their scene is kinda cute, but they probably shouldn't have a red and black fourth wall breaker do the boop.
I mean, I don't believe Deadpool has the monopoly on the boop (especially if heckin' puppers are around getting startled) buuuut there are enough comparisons between the two already without making it super obvious that this is what DC is going for.
Now our next gorgeous yet confusing title screen comes courtesy of Harley hauling ass through the.. antarctic? Maybe? Some cold as hell place where lurks a Penguin, and a severe lack of black and red thermals.
Hot. Damn. That is everything about Penguin in a nutshell, and complete with Bird of Paradise flowers.
Anyway, Harley seeks Pengy out for refuge and eventually gets back into her classic costume for warmth. You see? Hotpants - not suitable for every occasion unless you're a roller blader from California.
Speaking of random things - here's Booster in a field, good as new after Skeets patched him up. He seems a lot more relaxed, and not nearly as worried as he should be - despite presumably hearing what he's saying.
Meanwhile, the Trinity of DC attend an autopsy for Commander Steel (I do not know who this is, but swallowing gag chattering teeth is NOT a party trick he's gonna attempt again anytime soon!)
Batman is questioned about how much he reeeeally knows about Sanctuary, and he reveals he went there a few times himself (he's not just the president, he's also a member!)

Welp, looks like the old chattering teeth gag brought the Trinity straight to Harley. Great, now we won't find out who won the card game!
That's alright, Harley's already found a new game....... X-TREME SARCASM!
Now, not gonna lie, this issue has copped a lot of flack over how Harley outsmarts/defeats the Trinity.
To be honest, I don't think this is a case of Harley being overpowered or equipped with plot armour.. (well, okay a little bit of plot armour) not THIS Harley Quinn anyway. Any other version of her currently running around I'd be inclined to say it was OP AF. This version is much more like her original self, more on manipulation and button pushing rather than bopping things with a mallet.
Look how she approaches the trio. First, the dripping sarcasm when Batman tells her she can't hide. She wasn't hiding, she was telling the trio to come to her. Wonder Woman asks what happened, and Harley feigns being distraught. Wonder Woman, perhaps being too caring by nature or not as familiar with Harley as the rest of them - opens her arms to a downcast Harley.. and unwittingly allows Harley to steal her golden lasso.
Superman offers to step in but Batman declines his help for fear he would destroy the rickety warehouse. Harley deftly gets the lasso around Batman's neck. Then while he's at a stranglehold, Harley moves to destroy the team dynamic, getting Batman to reveal he actually does have a Kryptonite stash in his belt - when he lied to Superman's face about it earlier.
Using the Kryptonite on Superman allows Harley to dart away - keeping it on her person allows Harley to stop Superman at least, from following her. Wonder Woman goes to Superman's aid because she's not the type to put foes before friends and with the lasso returned she wouldn't need to follow Harley right now, and Batman recovers from strangulation via unbreakable chain.
The Trio weren't going to fight Harley - it's not in their nature. They were just following a clue and were hoping to get some information. Batman suspects Harley - but then he suspects everyone so that's nothing new. Plus he's guaranteed to have either put a tracer on Harley or know that Superman can find her again.
In any case, Superman has to dash off to intervene between Booster Gold and the Flash's fight.
It should be noted that Harley waited until she released the lasso to mention that Booster is the culprit. The moments prior to grabbing the lasso, she does the same thing. Name drops Booster as the blood soaked fiend. Would she have made a more convincing argument for her innocence if she'd used the lasso to state her case, or was there a reason she avoided touching it when naming names?
Next we have Harley saying a bittersweet farewell to her beloved Ivy.. I think. Honestly, Ivy would probably throw a wobbly if she saw mutilated flowers being used to mourn her. Anyway, Harley reflects on all the bad choices that lead up to her current life and the Sanctuary massacre.
Although I can't help wondering if this is a "If I hadn't fallen in love with Mr. J, I wouldn't have met you then lost you" situation, or if Puddin' is involved in a more serious way. I mean, Harley's going on about being hurt by someone... and seemingly went out of her way to mention that she "hates pudding" last issue. Plus being in her classic costume again. Hmmmm.
The Short End of the Jester Schtick
It seemed like not a lot happened in this issue, which I think is one of the main reasons people focus on the Harley vs Trinity instead of other things, like Booster's interactions with Flash and a penguin playing card games.

He's a pretty boisterous and joyful normally.. but here we have to ask is this him afraid he's losing his sanity and hiding behind neutral statements, coyly asking for help but seeming afraid of it also?
I think we have to face the possibility that everyone who entered the Sanctuary could very well be compromised. Brainwashing, another villain sabotaging the Sanctuary, the next O.M.A.C brain-bug, a dark secret that twists one's very soul...
Who knows? Why is Harley changing outfits mid comic? Why does she keep singing random songs? Why does she say she killed Booster when she was speaking to him after she stabbed him, and then walked away without finishing the job? I definitely think there's a reason the Harley vs Trinity scene played out the way it did, and it was NOT because Harley's DC's favourite character right now.
Wotta Comedian!
Harley Quinn: Hey, Pengy! I know you're in the middle of.... dinner, but I... ...need help. They're coming for me.
Penguin: Why, my dear, whatever do you mean? Who is coming for you?
Harley Quinn: Uh, I'm not, like, exactly sure... but probably... it's.. uh... EVERYONE.
Superman: You know.
Batman: I don't.
Superman: Bruce, how many times have we...
Wonder Woman: Stop this. You're Batman. You know.
Booster Gold: Oh hey, Skeets. What's up?
Skeets: Well, as you are the one who sent me the emergency signal. And I found you mostly dead in a Midwestern field. Where I had to heal you with technology beyond the understanding of this era. Perhaps you might be in a better position to tell me "what is up."
Harley Quinn: Do you guys know... of course not. This is a penguin. I get what you're thinking, but no, he's actually pretty good at cards.
Harley Quinn: Oh, Wonder Bread! It was terrible! And horrible! And so terrible!
Booster: Where's he going?
Skeets: Hm. I don't know, Booster. Perhaps to find Wally, confirm he's dead. And also to see if any evidence on him points to you as the killer.
Booster: Ah. And how long you think that'll take?
Skeets: Well, he's the fastest man alive. So... probably not long.
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