Correctly deducing that the Sirens aren't here for tea and niceties, he gets down to the thick of it. The Sirens have found a corpse, or rather they have each witnessed the victim in varying stages of life and death.
Harley volunteers to give her recollection first so we get treated to an amazing run down of her day, which begins with cartoons, exercise and keyboard battles then ends with a dead body smashing through their skylight and ruining Harley's swim.
Ivy had just got back from a job interview when she sees the body enter the pool. Selina on the other hand had been for a medical check-up post Hush then a quick spar with Wildcat. When she hands home via rooftop she sees the body fall from the sky - muttering "doctor..." - so she dives after her and ends up heading into the pool as well.

Nygma looks into the matter further, convinced that someone seems to be trying to frame the Sirens. While pondering the other evidence, he wanders deeper into the hideout where he is confronted by several wild animals.
He has enough time between lion attacks to figure out that the whole thing is to do with fables and that means..... Doctor Aesop!
The Short End of the Jester Schtick
This was a good issue. The cover art and first interior page was a great touch, Harley was funny, it showed more of the Siren's personal life even though there wasn't much focus on them in the story.
I thought the way they showed the death of the mystery woman and then how each Siren saw it from a different perspective - that was inspired.
Dini's writing for Harley and Riddler goes to show how much care has and how much work he has put into each character. Riddler especially was excellent in this issue - his little interior voice casting doubt on him as to whether or not he has gone legit, how he struggles post face-bomb, how he doesn't really care about the Siren's situation or know if he can trust them but does it for the thrill of the puzzle.
Harley copped a lot of flack from literally everyone else in this issue but you know what - she is really cute and true to character - she's that "yeah I used to run with the Joker but on my off days now I prefer watching cartoons" just... 100% yes.
Wotta Comedian!
Riddler: You want to tell me who you killed and why?
Catwoman: We didn't kill anyone.
Poison Ivy: Well, not yesterday.
Harley: That's when everything went ka-blooey!
Riddler: I had a bomb go off in my face a couple weeks ago and I'm still not too swift on the uptake here.
Catwoman: A bomb in your face?!
Harley: I hate it when that happens.
Riddler: Yes, Eddie. Riddle me this: who is "all right"?
Poison Ivy: It would be a crime to waste my life oh, say, watching cartoons and vegging on the internet.
Harley: Right -- HEY!
Riddler: That's not quite true, Eddie. You'd never do it just for her, or for anyone else either. It's a mystery, a puzzle, possibly a trap, or even a lie. Whatever the truth, you're The Riddler, and you have to know.
Riddler: Wait, (Harley's hyenas) aren't attacking. they're scared of something, but it's not me. Then what...? (gets attacked by a giant eagle and a lion) Oh. That's what.
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