Thursday 20 November 2014

Hero-clix Harley the Stripper, straight from LA....

My fellow collector called me up and said hey, there's a new Hero Clix Harley Quinn but she's in her new outfit. I said, what the hey, I'll have a look at it. So I looked at it. Turned away. Looked back. Nope, no mistaking it. They made her the lamest joint statue ever. Let's take a look.

This is the Harley Quinn Championship token thing. It looks like she's about to give some slob a lapdance. Here's what some of the previous team up tokens look like. 



Do you see the difference? They look awesome!! This Harley one, while I realise it's meant to be a homage to the Arkham Asylum Harley - looks TERRIBLE.

Let's face it, when you get figures that small, they aren't going to be flattering, but Harley's new 52 costume just wasn't made to be miniaturised. I wouldn't have chosen something so boring, either. All the other figures have something going for them, Stargirl's rescue of random guy is amazing! Black Adam getting in a fight with another random is fantastic! The cloning pod, the bat-sidekick team up - they're all awesome! This one is just... blah. Lazy, unsexy, not needed.
Also, all of her attacks/etc are from classic Harley. It's like an explosion of Harley Quinn all trying to exist at once haha! 
They're trying to kill us all! It's just another DC fail, why do they need to over sexualise her then put out the ugliest pictures/statues of her? Plus, she's not even part of the Flash set? Gaaaaah...

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