Harley Quinn - BISEXUAL?
I'll be honest - at first I thought the Volume 2 Harley Series would be great. I didn't mind the first few issues - but I wasn't as keen on them as her original Volume 1 run. I quickly lost interest though.
The art was sporadic, Harley wasn't actually funny OR interesting enough to be the main character, she has ten tonnes of adoring followers in this series - but they're all pretty much two bit stereotypes, Harley's over the top accent is actually not the epitome of humour that the writer seems to think it is, they changed canon by making Harley officially bisexual and inserted a really weird 2D Poison Ivy into their cast..
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Stop making making out creepy DC. |
I mean, yeah I know a lot of fans were mad on making them a thing which I always thought was stupid. Now people get shirty if you talk about it - that if you're anti bisexual Harley and Ivy, then you must be a homophobic jerk.
WELL ACTUALLY - some people just don't think that Harley has to be in a relationship non-stop. What Harley and Ivy had in their original forms was a realistic big-sister sort of relationship, they were friends. How many super villains actually have friends? It was unique and loveable.
Which is amazing because Poison Ivy shuns almost all human contact and has little patience for the human traits Harley has - like falling in love and other complications that come from caring for people. Harley - I do think she really could be bisexual because she's the kind of loving person that would fall for anyone regardless of gender. We've already seen Ivy in mainstream comics as bisexual.. but a bit on the plant kink side..
That being said - Poison Ivy is not an ideal candidate. As much as people want to romanticise their relationship the fact is that she is up there with the Joker on people you really shouldn't woo.
She's a seductress, and she kills people. Men, women... she'll chuck them all in her plant petri dish to get off. She doesn't care. She seduces to get to her goal. More than that.. she doesn't like people.
As well as that, pretty much any version of Harley Quinn you find will still be hanging around stronger, more dominant personalities and fan-girling around them. This happened a lot in Volume 2 where she just harasses and stalks Power Girl, Wonder Woman, Green Lantern, Zatanna... you name it.
I don't think Harley actually is in love with Ivy, I think she really is just leeching off stronger personalities. I would believe Ivy falling for Harley but because she's normally in the protector/older sister sort of role... putting them together makes it kind of creepy, especially when one of them has severe mental problems. Besides, the Ivy they write in Harley's ongoing series is nothing like what she usually is, it's like it's not even Ivy at all. Harley isn't even going steady with her.
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What did they call it? Oh yeah - Girlfriends without the jealousy of monogamy.
As if monogamy is such a bad thing anyway? Is it not fair to say that you don't have to be getting it on with everybody even if you're a bisexual? That you may find the one for you and stick with them?
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So progressive that she now strips down wherever she likes. Bras are for noobs, not boobs! |
So it's either a big step forward for LGBT representation in comics (unlike what Batwoman got, sadly. I guess it's different when your shit comic is making mad money for DC) or a convenient way to hit all the demographics. .
I'm a bit more cynical so I personally think it's the latter. You want her with the Joker? Write him in. She can't get the Joker because she needs to be independent from him? Have her bang a room full of Joker cos-players. You want her with women? Bring in the moony eyed Poison Ivy! Need something kinkier? Have her 'tortured' in the utterly ridiculous Harley Sin story line. Want something else on the menu? Give her a temporary boyfriend.What, no one likes him? Too boring? Quick, have her sexually assaulted by a Deadpool knockoff. Haha, we're so edgy!
This is just like her stupid Harley Quinn group - one from nearly every nationality, gender, sexuality, able bodied or differently abled... which is great, yay for diversity... BUT they aren't characters. Nothing they do has any consequence or importance. They each get a whole paragraph on who and why they are that I couldn't even be bothered to read because it's just exposition. They just exist to tell us how 'awesome; Harley is and to fawn over her latest stupid adventure. Shit, they don't even get good one liners.
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Corny as hell, but still funnier than the actual comic! |
AGAIN, they don't care about diversity - just the idea of it. Yay - we're the one progressive comic in DC modern history - give us three more one shots and several specials!
DC weren't worried about making her bi-sexual when they kept trying to cram Deadshot into all of her nooks and crannies. The Suicide Squad movie made it pretty clear she was only there as eye candy for the boys.
Have you read all the fan comments asking if the sequel or if the Gotham City Sirens spin off will portray her as bisexual?
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Why would they even ask this? If Margot is going to be in this in her stupid new outfit it's not going to be anywhere near cannon. |
That panel is the nearest they come to being bi-sexual in GCS. There are so many version of Harley Quinn now that people are getting them all confused and wanting to retcon her current sexuality into an older comic where most of her lines are either about toys or the Joker. When I think Super Villain Team Up - I want a damn super villain team up, not a damn super villain hook up because of reasons!
I mean, shit, they're putting Ayer back in the reins of GCS and we all saw how well he wrote relationships! Don't even bother getting your hopes up!
After all, what's the point if the guys can't picture themselves in her pants? She has to be accessible.
Plus they keep retconning her history - so what, is she still immune to Poison Ivy or not?
When did she even meet Ivy in this universe?
Are they making any male DC characters come out or is it just the attractive females that lounge around half naked in this series?
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Naturally, you can't just be friends with another female. |
That is some bullllllshite.
Yeah, people are going to complain about the animated show starting it all. True, Bruce Timm is a bit of a pervert (he's done several weeeird sexual drawings of the female characters) but shit - can't we have a positive relationship in DC where they involved characters don't have to be banging?
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