This is kind of true, it's not her usual beautiful look. That said - I love this statue. She doesn't always have to be categorically beautiful. She's clearly come from a fight with Batman or some kind of scuffle, so she's wearing a sort of snarl. I personally feel it works well with her pose. It makes for a unique, dramatic statue.
Is it the ugliest Harley Quinn (statue) ever though? No, I don't think so. Here are some of my contenders for that top (?) spot!
Gyargh, I can't even.... that nose! Those squinty eyes! Those man-hands! Not to mention the stupid Suicide Squad outfit. The only redeemable thing about this gross plush is that the pants are more like short shorts and not glorified underpants.
Here's the original Mopeez. It's actually cute! It makes you want to cuddle it and make it all better! Suicide Squad Mopeez Harley looks like she's got raging conjunctivitis, wing like pigtails and an adult diaper that is packed to the brim. Understandable why she's moping, but it's not going to entice me into loving it.
There are a lot of Suicide Squad mentions in here. This isn't even me being biased about that POS 'movie'. But seriously, look at this Lego figure and tell me who signed off on this as a good idea? They've greatly exaggerated her boobs which is creepy enough without discussing the slit of her privates and the blatant advertising on her feet. Frickin' weird. The only way I could hate a piece of Lego more is if I stepped on it.
I keep seeing this in my local comic stores and I do not understand it.
Batman mask with comic book? Yes, that makes sense and the average person can make it work. This? This is one step away from dressing like a Hardly Quinn blow up doll and soliciting sex.
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Hello, |
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When your ex is better looking than you after cutting their own face off. |
This Harley Quinn head merchandise is marketed as a crocheted footbag, but is actually undoubtedly an evil hacky sack that wants to steal your soul during fun times with friends.
Geez, this thing is creepy. I'm surprised there wasn't more New52 Harley in this list, but then I remembered that if DC wants money from their merchandise they have to use classic Harley or advertise Suicide Squad Harley's flat ass.
This is supposed to be a Bluetooth tracker, so if you lose your shit you can find it again. Or if you buy this, you can actually lose it and not feel bad.
A 400% Bearbrick figurine of Suicide Squad Harley Quinn.
I'm not even going to pretend I understand what that is in the hopes that this thing will stay the hell away from me.
Despite being into anime, I never really was a fan of the super deformed thing.
Yeah, it's okay for comedic split second action but not as a full time thing. How does this thing walk?
I don't think it can pull off the Mortisha Addams look.

Another Phunny deformed Harley Quinn that kind of reminds me of Vince from Rex the Runt. I'm not altogether sure that's a good thing.
. I mean, I love Vince and Rex the Runt but this Harley Quinn (while not completely ugly) looks as dodgy as the car of the same name and like she's about to eat someone.
Plus they keep advertising it as a black red and white statue. HARLEY QUINN LITERALLY IS RED, BLACK AND WHITE! Well, if they use the right Harley Quinn anyway.
Ohh, it's a Kawaii cube! I WANT TO PUNCH IT IN THE FACE!
Kawaii is supposed to be cute! This isn't cute, it's just another weird deformed cash grab.
Why is her nose a yellow triangle? Why are they trying to mould the decidedly un-cute club wannabe from the movie into something that's supposed to be adorable?
This Sofubi doll has an intense look in her eyes and I don't like the way she's looking at me.
The pose is like a stereotypical psychopathic killer in a bad horror film - like she's standing in a doorway about to charge.
She's got more realistic proportions in some ways, not in others, and overall it just doesn't look right to me.
I can't put my finger on what exactly I don't like about this figure but I think, ironically, it's the weird old-timey cartoon eyes on her flesh side, or that she's got like, innards and stuff showing and they're super colourful. Also not sure why part of her red liliripe is black? Can you even x-ray those?
Last but not least is the Suicide Squad Finder's Keepers statue.
This is actually kind of cute, and cheap so I actually bought this one. It's my way of saying fine, I own a Suicide Squad Harley now so I have got the whole damn set but I still hate you enough to not pay more than $20 bucks for you.
So what's my beef? Well for starters, the pic above that they used to sell the item is a render of the concept of the item. What we actually got was this horrific piece of shit:
For one thing, it's not cute. It's no where near cute.
It's like the anti-cute factory barfed it out on a conveyor belt, the belt caught on fire and destroyed the stock, and the production manager said "eh, this is good enough guys!"
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