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"The most important day of the year" August 2010 Writer: James Patrick Art: Joe Quinones Colours: Alex Sinclair |
Here's one of my favourite comics to wash the taste of the last review out of my mouth.
Now, I love Quinones art when it comes to Harley Quinn. Maybe it's the similar surname, but he just seems to GET her. A lot more than any squad working on any Harley solo's since her original run.
The interior artwork and all the expressions are just ace. The cover's nice too. A very powerful, somewhat provocative stance (without being exploitative) but damn, look at how much detail there is on the scene. The messed up door and the smoking gun with blood on it, the light hitting Harley from below and casting Batman's shadow... just great.
Being Joker's Asylum, we open with Joker introducing the tale, a la Tales of the Crypt while in a plush chair, a dressing gown and holding a puppy. Our first shot of Harley is her bare feet showing out of her Arkham oranges while she's running down the hall and deftly evading guards and fail-safes. We don't get a good look at her face until she stops at a cliff.
Props to Arkham staff - they really tried. They pulled out every move in a rare attempt at being efficient. I wish they tried this shit whenever Joker feels the need to escape because there's no way he'd make this at all.

Yep, the siren song of her obsession, her Puddin' and her devotion to him means that even though she could have been out, free and clear if she'd just waited a few weeks but now she's going to be on the lam with Batman and the cops and everyone hunting for her. She can't though, because she wants to be with her beloved cohort on Valentine's Day.
This is the classic Harley we know - the one that would jump off a damn cliff after baking cookies to be with someone that doesn't actually love her.
She arrives at an abandoned YMCA which was their hideout... apparently? I'm not sure what's sadder, the fact that there are several young men who will not be able to use the YMCA services anymore or that the hideout doesn't even have a proper pool.
She meets the one surviving but severely wounded hench man Spider who tells us why Joker's not there himself.
Harley is ticked off that Falcone has taken Joker on today of all days but she's already got a plan and is preparing for when she gets back with her beau.
As it turns out, the reason Falcone took Joker was to bring him to an auction where all of his victims (the ones that survive) get to bid on him in a lottery so they can take out their vengeance directly if they win.
Harley attends, in costume, and somehow no-one notices until she raises her hand.
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Damn you, tinnitus! You're a cruel mistress |
Then she engages on a rampage of violence and explosions, all the while making sure the right chocolates are being arranged for her date. This culminates in her finding where the Joker was... but instead finding the Bat.
She glares at Batman but then readily submits to going back to Arkham if it means that she can see her Puddin' again.
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Harley's detractors... eating crow. Ha! |
The Short End of the Jester Schtick
The art's still awesome. A couple slip ups - Harley's bag disappearing in one shot, her collar vanishing or changing shape, in one panel her hair is peeking out under her mussed up cap, but then it's back all tucked in neatly only to appear again after a few panels.
All though this issue, everyone looks down on and underestimates Harley. No one takes her seriously. The Arkham guards think she'll be captured easily, Arkham underestimates Harley's rehabilitation when faced with her biggest vice, Falcone thinks she's a dumb child and then once he realises she's on a whole other level today asks what's gotten into her. The cops (Bullock?) think she's kidding when she won't surrender. The four goons don't think Harley is doing this by herself, that any other explanation.. like an invisible Bane is more plausible.
Both Spider and Falcone think she wants mercenaries or new henchmen, but she wants chocolates and wine. Once she's taken the upper hand, she doesn't push it and doesn't kill anyone she doesn't have to. The only one who doesn't underestimate her is Batman. Even the Dark Knight is like whoa, I'm not fighting you today! Jester gonna kick my ass! so he figures out the best way to rein her in.
This comic is also really good at bringing everything back to the beginning with subtle repetition and isn't afraid to go for the drawn out joke. Example:
Falcone asks: "And what are you going to do if I say no? Hit me over the head with a giant mallet?"
but Harley shoots him in the shoulder.
The Police ask: "What's she going to do? Throw some playing cards at us?" but Harley shoots a little bazooka at them.
The Henchman asks: "And what's going to happen if I do? You gonna spray me with acid out of a flower?" and Harley replies with satisfaction: "Finally! Somebody got it right!" as she indeed squirts him with acid from a flower.
The whole point of this comic is to tell us exactly why Harley is still with the Joker. She's resourceful, determined and crazy scary. Look at this scene:
Look at how much duress Joker is under. He would rather be anywhere else - probably even back in Falcone's revenge raffle than be here having a romantic dinner. If this was anyone else he'd be cracking wise or making threats but he is completely beat here - he has no choice but to play happy families with this psychotic psychiatrist because he's had enough Valentine's Days with her to know that no-one can win against her dangerous infatuation. So he says a friendly greeting and gets into the present routine as soon as he can. There's even a glass bottle in his frickin' cell. This could not happen on any other day, we all know it.
I like how the comic didn't go the stereotypical "crazy girlfriend" way but spread just enough hints around that once you see it.. you can't not see it. Realising that this otherwise fairly normal woman (compared to the rest of DC's rogues gallery) is in her own right, one of the most terrifying things to deal with and the scary thing is that it's a much more common scenario that you'd encounter, as opposed to say some megalomaniac trying to take over the world.
It even seems like Spider's trying to placate her even more than he's being a loyal henchman. Boy, I sure hope he was okay in the end.
Wotta Comedian!
Joker: Now this one is a little special to me. You see, it's about my gal pal and sometimes girlfriend, Harley Quinn. And just for the record, ladies, this dashing bachelor is single at the moment!
Harley: Hi, Dr. Arkham! Hi, nice orderlies. Well, except for you, Bob. You get a little too gropey during the strip searches.
Harley: Sorry! No more time for talking. Now, I baked you some cookies and left you a card, but since you're here, I might as well say it in person.... Goodbye, Dr. Arkham -- AND HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY!
Spider: Joker's been running guns the last couple of months. He doesn't like it, but it's paid for some of his more... eccentric stuff.
Harley: RATATATAT How's it look on me?
Spider: It's your colour.
Harley: Awesome.
Falcone: Harley Quinn. If I had known you were coming I'd have made sure we had Kool-Aid and colouring books.
Falcone: I hate you. Hate ALL you costumed types. From the first time I saw one of you, I'll never forget--
Harley: Blah, blah, blah, exposition, exposition. Just hand over Joker, please.
Harley: I'm feeling extra romantic today. And extra violent. So tell me something I want to hear.
Police: Harley Quinn, you are a fugitive! Surrender and you won't get hurt!
Harley: No, Mr. Megaphone man with all your intimidating law enforcement vehicles, you surrender and you won't get hurt!
Hench 1: Are they sure it's Harley Quinn?
Hench 2: What I heard.
Hench 1: I don't believe it. Maybe she's teamed up with Bane and nobody saw him. Or maybe that Deadman guy took over her body. That happened to my cousin Travis.
Joker: So there you have it. A romantic little tale of explosions, eviscerations and decapitations. And all courtesy of my favourite little pistol. Did you enjoy it? I honestly don't care either way.
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