We open on Oracle and Huntress having some girl time... sassy chats in the earpiece while Huntress punches some creepy acid tongue lizard thief guy..... Wow that's pretty specific.
Anyway, Huntress is bemoaning not being normal, that bad guys keep ruining her outfits and the victims aren't even worth helping. Ouch. Bad day much?
Not as bad as her perp's. For one thing, he's got that acid tongue thing going on, then he gets punched a lot, doesn't get to keep his stolen wares, is thrown in a dumpster, and then something else throws him OUT of the dumpster giving him a wicked boo boo in the process.

Meanwhile in our CGI cop shop, a new transfer from Bludhaven does a meet and greet with Reese. Turns out he's chasing a serial killer who never uses the same method twice.
Reese takes on his Mulder Jr. and they decide to take down this freaky deaky killer gorilla. After the shortest working day in history, Reese heads out onto the street where he is promptly scared shitless by Huntress jumping down five storeys in front of him.
Huntress tries out her 'I saved your life, you owe me confidential investigation details' but gets shot down pretty fast. They both have a mini temper tantrum with Huntress vanishing and Reese blatantly jaywalking into traffic playing chicken.
Meanwhile back at the Clocktower, Barbara finds out that the perp was killed via his own acid.
As far as they're aware Metas mostly always have different powers (must not have any knock-offs or sidekicks in this universe then) so they decide to have Helena question some mysterious guy in No Man's Land.
Dinah wants to go too but Barbara denies this request saying not on a school night but here's the address anyway!

Martin and Reese have a pissing match about the weird shit they've seen. Reese even refers to Slick as Liquid Guy. Martin has a strange reaction to some random janitor and goes on a bit of a tirade against Metas. He ends up parting ways with Reese and hunts down the janitor who can throw fireballs. Martin then throws a fireball at him, and kills him. Now he's cured his headache in a way the handful of pills did not.
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Party outfit at school |
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Teaparty outfit at club |
Helena takes all the free drinks she can get and then decides to leave when the barman does, but runs into Dinah on the way out - who has had two costume changes in the last two minutes.
Back at the Police station, Reese learns about Metas and Batman. How far in the future is this that no one knows who Batman is? Answer: he vanished 7 years ago. Soo... what?
Perhaps being a black man, Reese is a bit skeeved by Martin's hate speech against Metas. It sure reminds me of the racist things people say about other races. Even so, he drops a hint about Huntress.
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"And that's why meta's can't reproduce with humans. Now to my views about religion...." |
Martin kills Frosty, then is immediately back at the crime scene as a cop. Huntress also appears, just in time to give Martin a new headache. Reese calls Huntress a thing and doesn't seem to realise that she's horribly offended. She leaps away, Batman style and somehow meets up with Martin.
They pair off with some perfectly symmetrical violence until Helena shoves Martin in front of a car.
Back at the Clocktower Helena and Barbara work out a plan. They determine that Martin's powers have a fixed range and think about ideas to make Martin's headache work against him. Helena then angsts it up a notch by saying 'we haven't got time to plan! People are dying! People like YOU wouldn't understand!' as if Barbara's always doubting her instead of supporting and bankrolling her endeavours.
Barbara brings it back to her unseen date, where apparently Wade's mother told him that Barbara was
no good for him because her legs don't work. Side note: what a bitch! Helena apologises about her own outburst but states that it's still different, because Wade's jerk parents aren't trying to kill her, but someone is killing Helena's people. There's that word again. She's spend all episode protesting that she's half and half but now it's her against them humans.
Hey, I'm all in favour of stopping a murderer but Helena's just come back from a fight she barely got out of and determines that she can't defeat him without getting close, but when she gets close he steals her powers. Then she decides the best way to stop him is to cease figuring out a plan with Barbara and go after him directly.... again. Umm.... Whut?
Dinah goes back to the No Man's Land bar in her red party dress and go go boots. Did this scene get cut and replaced with the other scene in the other dress by accident. This time she gets busted by Barbara.

Unfortunately, this only gets her a gun pointed at her back.
Reese tells her how bad it looks, what with her being a creature and all. Huntress has a go at him for wanting to kill her for being 'different.' Reese has several good looks at her chest before deciding it's not okay to shoot her in it. Martin becomes full bag guy and does a reverse Michael Jackson off the floor.
Huntress is able to knock the gun off target but the bullet still grazes Reese who falls into the street again. I have never seen a cop who likes jaywalking so much.
Huntress dashes off and waits for Martin to catch up with her. She helps things along by loudly yelling INTO HER EARPIECE ABOUT WHAT SHE'S DOING RIGHT NOW.
It's like she never watched any scary movies growing up. Sheesh.
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"Gurl, is you crazy?" |
Predictably - more symmetrical violence ensues. Martin determines that the only way he can be normal is to destroy all the freaks. Other options would be like, to off himself or move to Antarctica but what do I know.
They're contemplating jumping off a building together when Dinah appears along with her double vision powers to double down on Martin's migraine. The entire bar emptied out and decides to party on the rooftop with subhuman bitch Martin. How sweet. Even Babs found a service lift... or, knowing her she's got techno-jets on her wheels.
Anyway, Martin can't stand it and takes a nose dive off his soapbox.
Later, Huntress visits Reece in hospital and gives him a lecture on Metas then does a Batman on him to make him feel extra shitty.
The Birds convene on their favourite rooftop (which luckily, is their own) and discuss the events. They decide they need a night on the town and that they're going to go to Gibson's.
Which... they just came from.
And anyway, isn't Dinah underage? Didn';t they said that the cheerful Gibson won't speak to non-Metas?
So, no Harley Quinn in this episode but that's okay because it wasn't too bad. A little bit preachy but hopefully with that off their chest they can move on. A few things not explained... was Martin hiding in the actual dumpster when he technically first met Huntress? If he was - and he had to be close enough to get the other dude's powers... why wasn't he affected by Huntress?
Wotta Comedian!
Huntress: Is it too much to ask for a social life? For example, how am I supposed to meet a regular guy when I spend all of my evenings body-slamming scumbags?
Huntress: Okay, normally the bad guys don't bounce..
Dt. Martin: Heard you gotta corpse with a cause of death that could charitably be called screamingly weird?
Dinah: There's a Meta street?
Helena: Yeah, just west of the Magic Kingdom.
Dt. Martin: You'll die too.
Huntress: I can live with that.
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