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June 2002 "Going out with a bang!" |
I gotta say it, this is one of my favourite covers ever. Even my non-comic reading extended family loved it. It is an absolute classic, like something you'd see in a Looney Tunes comic.
Now, when we last left off, Harley was 'helping' her buddy Bizarro find the perfect mate, until things got a little too.... involved. With an onomatopoeia parody of Rice Bubbles, Harley is zapped from behind with the Bizarro ray by the Dr. Chance. Meanwhile, Bizarro has a tantrum but calms down enough to be told that the Doctor needs Harley in the target area again. Harley on the other hand, thinks it's high time she skedaddled.
Of course, not before she ticks that one thing of her Metropolis tourist hit list...
Yep, officially meeting the Big Blue in the Red Underoos. Although most folks don't get to do it up, up in the air. ................Okay, I'll behave.
I like how NICE Superman is. Batman would have straight up Batarang-clothesline'd her. Harley takes to the skies to try to evade him and thinks she succeeded... but..
As it turns out, Superman was in the area when he noticed Jimmy Olsen's jury rigged signal watch. Unfortunately, that same watch is absolutely killing Bizarro so Supes puts an end to it quick smart.
Harley also thinks quick smart, and uses her familiarity with Bizzaro-speak to trick Bizarro into attacking Superman. Well, remember when she meant to teach Ivy Bizzaro-speak? Bizzaro tells her how he 'helped' Ivy by setting Thorn free and Harley realises that her bestie is in trouble - but she can't get to her because Jimmy is doing a runner with her Jet-Pak.
Speaking of that bestie - Ivy is missing Harley. I adore the artwork here for Ivy, but also the dialogue. Not only is it subtly stoking those shippin' fires but it explains one of Ivy's main frustrations with Harley and their main differences - something that was tapped into in earlier issues - but it also highlights Ivy's main weakness.
As in... she roots herself and doesn't move. This allows the freed Thorn to sneak around Ivy's plant barrier and smack Ivy's head around with Ivy's own pot plant just after Ivy takes the time she has left to curse Harley for bringing her here and causing all this mess.
Aaaand that quick backlash is why I'm standing on the shore looking at these imperfect ships sailing to their doom. And also why Thorn gets to chat to her 'split personality' Rose over Ivy's prone body.
But I digress.

Speaking of things doing their thing... Harley - when confronted with Superman's might decides to shoot him with glitter and dried parsley. Hey - it's not gonna work but you can try right?
Showcases... you know, initiative and like, eternal hope of the sneaky.
Luckily, any retribution is delayed because Bizarro is thrown into drama headfirst again and runs in screaming for help.
Enter the Quinzarro...
After being initially discomforted by the idea of another her running around, Harley seems amused when she meets her ersatz twin because she realises how different they are. Plus, Quinzarro ends up meeting an explosive end after dealing with her.
Jimmy, Superman and Harley spent a few moments reflecting on the whole thing (including going back to the whole 'Our Worlds at War' storyline that started the Jimmy torment) which is frankly, one of my favourite scenes in her series and sums up why I love her so much.
Plus it's another example of how she'll avail herself to any opportunity to help herself out of a tough situation.
Unfortunately, the Jet Pak she shoots away in was barely able to handle it at the start of the issue and certainly hasn't had time to recover. Harley goes to try to save Ivy (and her own skin) but just like Quinzarro - ends up caught in an explosion herself.
Is this the end of our plucky almost heroine?
The Short End of the Jester Schtick
That was a stupid question. But it's fun to find out!
What I like about this issue is that everyone is refreshingly true to character.
Harley: Obsessed with love but so much so that she doesn't realise she's done messed up things in the name of love too. Will use anything she can on the spur of the moment to her advantage. Thinks about her friends.
Ivy: Obsessed with plants. Intrigued by Harley but ultimately turns on her when something goes wrong. Stuck in her roots.
Superman: Ultimate nice guy/boy scout but has a limit when pushed too far by clowns. Tries to help Harley and Bizarro in a way that Batman may not think of.
I liked the introduction of Quinzarro - this ultra serious, jaded by love and steeped in realism clone of Harley. She's a complete polar opposite to our happy go lucky comedienne who every now and then slips into her delusions.
Wotta Comedian!
Harley: Doc! Keep your mind on the betterment of humanity and outta the gutter!
Harley: Don't know if the world's ready for a Bizzaro-Harley -- But I sure ain't! I kinda like bein' one of a kind! They broke the mould when they made me -- maybe 'cause it was already cracked - --and on this particular occasion, I say if it's broke, don't fix it!
Harley: So, all things considered, looks like this is a good time to be going'.... up, up -- and away from this joint!
Superman: Bizarro... are you all right, er... all wrong?
Bizarro: Yes -- Bizarro am not all wrong, Superman! Bizarro not need imperfect bride to make Bizarro's life miserable forever! Not need it at all!
Harley: And I don't wanna help you do that, Biz ol' bud! Nothin' I don't wanna do more! But the big guy here is practically forcin' me to be of assistance! He's not even gonna take me to jail!
Bizarro: Not take Harley to jail, Superman?! Over your dead body!
Harley: Holy communication breakdown!
Ivy: Ah! Nothing like growing a new outfit to make a girl feel.. ........ ..no better than before.
Superman: Bizarro -- please! I.. I want to fight you. Ignore what I'm saying -- because I'm sure I can't help you find a mate any worse than Harley Quinn! Wait, that almost made sense...
Bizarro: Ha! Bizarro not hit wall as hard as wall not hit Bizarro! Take this, wall!
Chance: Ah! Bizarro! There you are! I've been looking for you!
Bizarro: Then good news! You not find me!
Harley: Ancient history, honey! Mistah J and me ain't been an item for about eighteen issues now!
Quinzarro: Me am loveable!
Harley: Yeah -- like a vat of acid! Say something nice! Say you're havin' a good time!
Quinzarro: Me.. am... am.. having a... good.... That am stupid thing to say! Me am surrounded by so many idiots, me feel like me am going to-- **explodes**
Superman: *sigh* Doesn't she ever learn? A few seconds won't make any difference...
Harley: Few seconds might make all the difference!
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