So this one shipping ship I saw at the biggest quay in Austral--- oh wait, wrong ship.
*record scratch*
Talking about this video from Top 10 Nerd. Didn't look as clickbait-y as the other videos I've seen on the topic (a few just went in depth with Nightwing, others focused on how many Harley had shagged... y'know...) so I thought I'd give it a go and see if I agreed.
Now they mention at the start that they've left out Joker and Poison Ivy as the two most popular and canon ships. OP states that the Joker is toxic, but does not mention the literally toxic Poison Ivy.
I've explained my feelings about these two being similarly toxic suitors for Harley before, as well as my opinion that Harley and Joker were in a mutually abusive relationship and it was not one sided.
Still, I agree with leaving the main two candidates out as much as I am concerned that we will be scraping the barrel for possible love interests without them.
This appears to be just based off the Little Black Book issue that he appeared in one time. Here's my thoughts on that one.

OP states that Hal Jordan sorta seemed into it.. which I don't agree with. For one thing, Harley tried her best to kill him, even when she wasn't trying or "possessed by the rings" she almost killed him. Then she bargains her 'good behaviour' for a kiss from him. She then goes in for a non-consensual butt pinch which scares Hal - the eternal playboy - right off.
I'm just saying if someone did this to any other comic character - shamelessly coercing a kiss after trying to kill them and physically injuring the whole midair humping an unconscious body then immediately moving on to groping - would fans ship it or instead think it had a few, tiny little concerns that the writers may want to look into?
Not enough evidence, seems kinda rapey and the Green Lantern universe has enough problems as it is. Besides, Hal should be with Carol. 'Nuff said.
Ah yes... Deadpool. People seem to love shipping this one even though the characters are from two different comic worlds.
OP mentions the shared insanity, colour co-ordination, a resurgence in film popularity and that both just want to be loved, deep down.
This one I don't have a strong opinion on but I do feel that Harley works best with someone who's not just a parody of a guy that she's now a parody of herself. Uh.. let's re-phrase that. Deadpool is the original fourth wall breaker and funny guy. Harley has been re-made to pretty much DC's less funny and less clothed version of him. While people definitely find themselves attracted to people they share traits with as much as people find opposites attract.. I wouldn't wanna see these two date (even if it was possible).
It's a no from me, but I can appreciate the humour and the colour co-ordinated art (except when they use the newer Harley for some reason).
Harley works best as either the straight man OR the wildcard .. pairing two wildcards would probably just be a pissing match between crazies and end up being boring.
Besides, are we going to ignore the epic bromance between Spiderman and Deadpool???
*inward groan*
If unfamiliar with this guy - just check our Conner and Palmiotti's run on Harley Quinn - where they either can't make original characters and just blatantly copy others in an attempt at parody, OR they make original characters that are so uninteresting that they can't be told apart from the wallpaper in the background.
Hence Red Tool - a cash in on people shipping Harley and Deadpool. He had some stupid plot about being from the future and sent to kill Harley but fell in love with her instead because... reasons..
so he stalks her, assaults her and tattoos his phone number on her ass and they sort of date before he tries to marry her. Harley seems to show as much affection as she can for him (for someone who's not herself, anyway) but also treats him like dog doo, and dates others at the same time.
Not sure if that's supposed to be part of Harley's hip new 'girlfriends without the shackles of monogamy' or whatever it was with Poison Ivy - but personally if you're not going to be dedicated to one person, you need to make sure EVERYONE you're involved with is on the same page and okay with it, otherwise you just come across as greedy.
Harley just uses Red Tool as a fall back and everyone who sat through her terrible comics in this run can tell she just does not care about him the way he cares for her. Not shippable, just sad.
Wait.. what?
Oh okay, OP is referring to the Injustice comics, where Harley and Ollie have a tentative, yet blooming friendship of sorts. Problem for me is that while they grow to like each other, Ollie is clearly involved with Dinah and would not toss away the Black Gosh Darned Canary for Harley.
Their personalities don't match up that way, and I feel like Ollie's at least physically 10 years older than Harley, let along mentally.
Besides, at the time they were hanging out - Ollie had basically kidnapped her to stop her from being murdered by an enraged Superman, like her Joker was.
So, Harley has a lot of feelings about this naturally. She's heartbroken about Joker being dead, she's torn because she knows he was bad for her but couldn't keep away and her whole life has been thrown up in the air.
Ollie is a nice guy though and tries to help out Harley when he can, even though he thinks Harley's relationship quirks are a little off.
Any relationship here would be cheating on Ollie's part and rebound on Harley's. Fanships seem to reject the idea that characters can just be friends/partners.
This one I don't have too much familiarity with, having never seen the BTAS episodes.. somehow.. but I know enough to say that The Creeper got a crush on Harley and Joker did not like it. Also, main point... Harley didn't like it. Here she is in a relationship, and this other crazy guy just comes along and gets physical with her? Um, no.
This seems a lot like the whole Deadpool thing in having her date someone who's 'also crazy!'
People ship this when Harley's obviously not into Creeper? That's weird.
Creepy Creeper. No, Creeper, stop creeping!
Gah... more Little Black Book bullshit. This whole series was perpetuated on the fact that Harley seeks out stronger characters to ship herself with. I read this one, but never bothered to review it because Conner/Palmiotti butchered Wonder Woman and all the English stereotype characters they stuck in there randomly.
Sure, both women are at least Bi but you can't base a ship off that. Diana is obviously irked by the annoying Quinn.
The fact that Quinn is shown to be a massive Wonder Woman fan in this issue (and we'd never heard of it before, conveniently) also adds that whole fan/superstar crush thing which is obviously an imbalance of power and based on unrealistic fantasies.
The first thing Harley does is knock her out and steal her clothes. Harley is creepy as funk in this issue and Diana deserves better. Plus, when have we known Diana to suffer fools?
Just no.
Why am I not surprised to see another Little Black Book ship here?
And people wonder why I Rage Against the New Harley Machine.
See here for my review of TLBB issue featuring Lobo and HERE for the Injustice issue featuring Lobo and Harley that was done sooo much better.
Yet another ship Harley with some wildcard thing. She's already stealing his lingo in her current solo run. Here's the thing though - any fan of Lobo would know he doesn't just get with anyone.
This guy killed his entire race just because. The only things he cares about are a) himself b) space dolphins c) his bike d) Dawg and e) his bounties.
He's been shown in the past to flirt with Darlene - a waitress at a diner he frequents, he's been shown to lust after Big Barda when she was transformed into whatever the viewer desires (Sovereign Seven) and in the New 52 that no one cares about, a fake Lobo had his Princess Sheba. He's been shown to be a womaniser.. but not one to be in an actual relationship. Conner/Palmiotti again muddled the characterisation waters in this issue by having him pine over an ex-girlfriend? Lobo can't even work in a team setting without killing everyone!
Can anyone really see someone like Lobo putting up with Harley and having a relationship? Lobo barely survived hanging out with her for one issue and that's probably only because he thought she was a bounty. Hell, remember Miss. Tribb? Surprised that didn't happen here!
OP talks about a love triangle between Joker, Harley and Batman. Hadn't really thought about it that way, despite being aware that Joker is sometimes shown caring for Harley, but all the time shown to care about Batman to the point of obsession. Which is weird, why would you wanna date the wedge between your previous beau and yourself? That's in no way progression.
That said - they refer to the Valentine's Day special involving... YOU GUESSED IT Conner and Palmiotti's version of Harley smooching on Batman. I feel like these guys looked briefly at Harley's original solo run and saw that she was obsessed with love, and thought that meant she should literally kiss/date/screw EVERYONE she comes across. Talk about your self insertion in characters!

Also brought up is the animated series and movies where they mention Batman having a soft spot for Harley. I agree - but NOT in
that way. Batman sees in Harley a person who is troubled, but has the ability to get out of the life she's in. He sees her as himself - one bad day away from despair and madness. When she kisses him in the animated series it's a 'thank you' for caring. When he kisses her in the animated movie 'Batman and Harley Quinn' - it's also a sort of thank you for showing us how to kill The Floronic Man but also extremely out of character.
Surprised they didn't mention the Harley in Gotham City Sirens who wanted to date Bruce Wayne who was actually Hush in disguise and.. yeah.
Well, Bats has had quite a few lady friends in the time we've known him but if we're talking about heart stealing, Selina may have a few things to say to you, Harley.
Namely, get off my expensive Kool-Aid.
OP prefaces their statement by saying that Shazam is the older alter-ego and Billy Batson is like a twelve year old kid who says magic words occasionally.
This is also an Injustice based ship as Harley and Shazam don't actually interact anywhere else that I'm aware of.
Now - I love the banter and all the scenes that Billy/Shazam and Harley have together in Injustice - but I've never seen it as romantic. Harley seems drawn to Shazam, but I think it's because she knows he's like her - not completely bad but in with the wrong crowd - so she does what she can to get him to the right side. Could also be her childish nature, although Billy likes to think he's more mature than her.
It makes sense too. Like in Bird of Prey when Harley was fighting Misfit - yeah, she could probably go toe to toe with some of the characters but she's not meant to be a fighter/heavy. She is, for intents an purposes.. the odd one out. Hence being matched up with Misfit - someone she battles, but doesn't actually seem to want to harm.
Harley works best with a straight man, and Shazam is that in a package in the Injustice world. He doesn't understand her zaniness because he has the world on his shoulders for the most part but they get along as a team - not a ship.
Besides, there's that whole age thing plus the crazy killer Superman regime boner killer.
OP only mentions the Batman and Harley Quinn movie here, despite
Harley/Nightwing interactions in comics such as Bird of Prey or the Agent Grayson series.
BOP just shows how polite Nightwing is, even to tricky criminal scum and in the Grayson series, you get the impression that Harley is just charming him so she can steal stuff.

I feel compelled to mention that it was ambiguous at best, but as far as we can tell, Nightwing and Harley didn't do much more than make out and tickle fight in the animated movie. The comic shows Nightwing pining for her afterwards, but this could just be that he wanted some fun. As in, "help me, I'm stuck with grumpy Batman all day" kind of fun, not the naughty kind.
For some reason, Harley ends up married to Nightwing in Old Lady Harley - but that's only if you believe anything that stupid is canon, you believe anything set in the future as a parody of Old Man Logan is canon, and the fact that it tries to tie in other futures that exist in a different universe is canon.
They would be both former sidekicks, both gymnasts, both have a sense of humour, a love of skin tight leotards and would be around or near enough the same age. I can see why people ship them.
As much as I don't think this is a good ship (hey remember that time Nightwing lost his temper because Harley dressed up like his crippled girlfriend's prior alter-ego?) they're definitely the most shippable so far and they do make sense of a sort. Naturally, I think Batman would cockblock them before it got serious.
Plus Nightwing is something of a popular man with the ladies so I wouldn't think it would get too serious too fast.
That said - I will always ship Nightwing with Barbara Gordon or Starfire way over Harley Quinn.
Especially Barbara and Dick - they just have too much history and chemistry for me to see otherwise.
I honestly was shocked that Deadshot didn't make the list. I don't like this ship for several reasons, but the love/hate flirting between them was a major thing in Suicide Squad New52, Assault on Arkham and even carried over into the Suicide Squad movie.
I was disappointed that Louie D'Anna from Convergence didn't make the cut, and neither did Guy Kopski from Harley's original solo run. We're ignoring Bernie the idiotic creation/knock off from Conner/Palmiotti. He can go suck a burnt beaver of the same name.
Louie was only in her life for two issues but he made such a difference to her life. He was a cop trying to stop her robbing a museum when the dome came down. Harley was doing the rounds of her penance - meeting her victims when they got to know each other better. Later on we see Convergence was one of the best things to happen to her, she was living happily medication free until her 'friends' drugged her and threw her into the chaos she once knew. Afterwards, we don't even get to see them say goodbye because Harley is too hyper-crazy to deal with people but you can still see how much they care about each other, and how heartbroken Louie is.
Guy was the original boyfriend from college, who piqued Harley's interest in the Joker.
Guy was studying chaos theory type, an inventor of sorts and he loved to joke around with Harley. All of that turned sour when a mix of Harley's idea to put his love to the test, Joker venom, think drink and an overzealous professor got involved.
You never really forget your first love and in Harley's case - well, she was already on her way to a become a psychiatrist but this pushed her to want to meet the Joker because she 'got' the joke.
I was surprised Mason Macabre wasn't shoe-horned in there. Granted, these two had about as much chemistry as I do with my shoelaces (actually, bad analogy, I get on GREAT with my shoelaces) but considering nearly every other Conner/Palmiotti fan ship was shoved in this list, the one character they made her actually have a semi-relationship with wasn't? But he was pretty forgettable.
Same goes for Power Girl - not that she's forgettable by any means but that C&P keep trying to shove her in wherever they can with Harley.
Mason and Harley were as bland as a plain bread sandwich but still, thought they'd be on here as they were technically canon? I think? Eh, it's DC. who knows.
*record scratch*
Talking about this video from Top 10 Nerd. Didn't look as clickbait-y as the other videos I've seen on the topic (a few just went in depth with Nightwing, others focused on how many Harley had shagged... y'know...) so I thought I'd give it a go and see if I agreed.
Now they mention at the start that they've left out Joker and Poison Ivy as the two most popular and canon ships. OP states that the Joker is toxic, but does not mention the literally toxic Poison Ivy.
I've explained my feelings about these two being similarly toxic suitors for Harley before, as well as my opinion that Harley and Joker were in a mutually abusive relationship and it was not one sided.
Still, I agree with leaving the main two candidates out as much as I am concerned that we will be scraping the barrel for possible love interests without them.
10 - Green Lantern
This appears to be just based off the Little Black Book issue that he appeared in one time. Here's my thoughts on that one.

I'm just saying if someone did this to any other comic character - shamelessly coercing a kiss after trying to kill them and physically injuring the whole midair humping an unconscious body then immediately moving on to groping - would fans ship it or instead think it had a few, tiny little concerns that the writers may want to look into?
Verdict: Disagree
Not enough evidence, seems kinda rapey and the Green Lantern universe has enough problems as it is. Besides, Hal should be with Carol. 'Nuff said.
9 - Deadpool
Ah yes... Deadpool. People seem to love shipping this one even though the characters are from two different comic worlds.
OP mentions the shared insanity, colour co-ordination, a resurgence in film popularity and that both just want to be loved, deep down.
This one I don't have a strong opinion on but I do feel that Harley works best with someone who's not just a parody of a guy that she's now a parody of herself. Uh.. let's re-phrase that. Deadpool is the original fourth wall breaker and funny guy. Harley has been re-made to pretty much DC's less funny and less clothed version of him. While people definitely find themselves attracted to people they share traits with as much as people find opposites attract.. I wouldn't wanna see these two date (even if it was possible).
Verdict: Disagree
It's a no from me, but I can appreciate the humour and the colour co-ordinated art (except when they use the newer Harley for some reason).
Harley works best as either the straight man OR the wildcard .. pairing two wildcards would probably just be a pissing match between crazies and end up being boring.
Besides, are we going to ignore the epic bromance between Spiderman and Deadpool???
8 - Red Tool
*inward groan*
If unfamiliar with this guy - just check our Conner and Palmiotti's run on Harley Quinn - where they either can't make original characters and just blatantly copy others in an attempt at parody, OR they make original characters that are so uninteresting that they can't be told apart from the wallpaper in the background.
Hence Red Tool - a cash in on people shipping Harley and Deadpool. He had some stupid plot about being from the future and sent to kill Harley but fell in love with her instead because... reasons..
so he stalks her, assaults her and tattoos his phone number on her ass and they sort of date before he tries to marry her. Harley seems to show as much affection as she can for him (for someone who's not herself, anyway) but also treats him like dog doo, and dates others at the same time.
Not sure if that's supposed to be part of Harley's hip new 'girlfriends without the shackles of monogamy' or whatever it was with Poison Ivy - but personally if you're not going to be dedicated to one person, you need to make sure EVERYONE you're involved with is on the same page and okay with it, otherwise you just come across as greedy.
Verdict - Disagree
Harley just uses Red Tool as a fall back and everyone who sat through her terrible comics in this run can tell she just does not care about him the way he cares for her. Not shippable, just sad.
7 - Green Arrow
Wait.. what?
Oh okay, OP is referring to the Injustice comics, where Harley and Ollie have a tentative, yet blooming friendship of sorts. Problem for me is that while they grow to like each other, Ollie is clearly involved with Dinah and would not toss away the Black Gosh Darned Canary for Harley.

Besides, at the time they were hanging out - Ollie had basically kidnapped her to stop her from being murdered by an enraged Superman, like her Joker was.
So, Harley has a lot of feelings about this naturally. She's heartbroken about Joker being dead, she's torn because she knows he was bad for her but couldn't keep away and her whole life has been thrown up in the air.
Ollie is a nice guy though and tries to help out Harley when he can, even though he thinks Harley's relationship quirks are a little off.
Verdict: Disagree
Any relationship here would be cheating on Ollie's part and rebound on Harley's. Fanships seem to reject the idea that characters can just be friends/partners.
6 - The Creeper
This one I don't have too much familiarity with, having never seen the BTAS episodes.. somehow.. but I know enough to say that The Creeper got a crush on Harley and Joker did not like it. Also, main point... Harley didn't like it. Here she is in a relationship, and this other crazy guy just comes along and gets physical with her? Um, no.
This seems a lot like the whole Deadpool thing in having her date someone who's 'also crazy!'
People ship this when Harley's obviously not into Creeper? That's weird.
Verdict: Disagree
Creepy Creeper. No, Creeper, stop creeping!
5 - Wonder Woman
Gah... more Little Black Book bullshit. This whole series was perpetuated on the fact that Harley seeks out stronger characters to ship herself with. I read this one, but never bothered to review it because Conner/Palmiotti butchered Wonder Woman and all the English stereotype characters they stuck in there randomly.
![]() |
"Stop calling me!!" |
The fact that Quinn is shown to be a massive Wonder Woman fan in this issue (and we'd never heard of it before, conveniently) also adds that whole fan/superstar crush thing which is obviously an imbalance of power and based on unrealistic fantasies.
The first thing Harley does is knock her out and steal her clothes. Harley is creepy as funk in this issue and Diana deserves better. Plus, when have we known Diana to suffer fools?
Verdict: Disagree
Just no.
4 - Lobo
Why am I not surprised to see another Little Black Book ship here?
And people wonder why I Rage Against the New Harley Machine.
See here for my review of TLBB issue featuring Lobo and HERE for the Injustice issue featuring Lobo and Harley that was done sooo much better.
Yet another ship Harley with some wildcard thing. She's already stealing his lingo in her current solo run. Here's the thing though - any fan of Lobo would know he doesn't just get with anyone.
This guy killed his entire race just because. The only things he cares about are a) himself b) space dolphins c) his bike d) Dawg and e) his bounties.
Verdict: Disagree
Can anyone really see someone like Lobo putting up with Harley and having a relationship? Lobo barely survived hanging out with her for one issue and that's probably only because he thought she was a bounty. Hell, remember Miss. Tribb? Surprised that didn't happen here!
3 - Batman
OP talks about a love triangle between Joker, Harley and Batman. Hadn't really thought about it that way, despite being aware that Joker is sometimes shown caring for Harley, but all the time shown to care about Batman to the point of obsession. Which is weird, why would you wanna date the wedge between your previous beau and yourself? That's in no way progression.
That said - they refer to the Valentine's Day special involving... YOU GUESSED IT Conner and Palmiotti's version of Harley smooching on Batman. I feel like these guys looked briefly at Harley's original solo run and saw that she was obsessed with love, and thought that meant she should literally kiss/date/screw EVERYONE she comes across. Talk about your self insertion in characters!

that way. Batman sees in Harley a person who is troubled, but has the ability to get out of the life she's in. He sees her as himself - one bad day away from despair and madness. When she kisses him in the animated series it's a 'thank you' for caring. When he kisses her in the animated movie 'Batman and Harley Quinn' - it's also a sort of thank you for showing us how to kill The Floronic Man but also extremely out of character.
![]() |
"And let me tell you another thing about my jewellery preferences!" |
Surprised they didn't mention the Harley in Gotham City Sirens who wanted to date Bruce Wayne who was actually Hush in disguise and.. yeah.
Verdict: Disagree
Well, Bats has had quite a few lady friends in the time we've known him but if we're talking about heart stealing, Selina may have a few things to say to you, Harley.
Namely, get off my expensive Kool-Aid.
2 - Shazam
![]() |
This is obviously her flair for the dramatic |
OP prefaces their statement by saying that Shazam is the older alter-ego and Billy Batson is like a twelve year old kid who says magic words occasionally.
This is also an Injustice based ship as Harley and Shazam don't actually interact anywhere else that I'm aware of.
Now - I love the banter and all the scenes that Billy/Shazam and Harley have together in Injustice - but I've never seen it as romantic. Harley seems drawn to Shazam, but I think it's because she knows he's like her - not completely bad but in with the wrong crowd - so she does what she can to get him to the right side. Could also be her childish nature, although Billy likes to think he's more mature than her.
It makes sense too. Like in Bird of Prey when Harley was fighting Misfit - yeah, she could probably go toe to toe with some of the characters but she's not meant to be a fighter/heavy. She is, for intents an purposes.. the odd one out. Hence being matched up with Misfit - someone she battles, but doesn't actually seem to want to harm.
Verdict: Disagree
Harley works best with a straight man, and Shazam is that in a package in the Injustice world. He doesn't understand her zaniness because he has the world on his shoulders for the most part but they get along as a team - not a ship.
Besides, there's that whole age thing plus the crazy killer Superman regime boner killer.
1 - Nightwing

Harley/Nightwing interactions in comics such as Bird of Prey or the Agent Grayson series.
BOP just shows how polite Nightwing is, even to tricky criminal scum and in the Grayson series, you get the impression that Harley is just charming him so she can steal stuff.

I feel compelled to mention that it was ambiguous at best, but as far as we can tell, Nightwing and Harley didn't do much more than make out and tickle fight in the animated movie. The comic shows Nightwing pining for her afterwards, but this could just be that he wanted some fun. As in, "help me, I'm stuck with grumpy Batman all day" kind of fun, not the naughty kind.
For some reason, Harley ends up married to Nightwing in Old Lady Harley - but that's only if you believe anything that stupid is canon, you believe anything set in the future as a parody of Old Man Logan is canon, and the fact that it tries to tie in other futures that exist in a different universe is canon.
![]() |
Ya think Batman would just stand by and let this happen? |
They would be both former sidekicks, both gymnasts, both have a sense of humour, a love of skin tight leotards and would be around or near enough the same age. I can see why people ship them.
Verdict: Agree
As much as I don't think this is a good ship (hey remember that time Nightwing lost his temper because Harley dressed up like his crippled girlfriend's prior alter-ego?) they're definitely the most shippable so far and they do make sense of a sort. Naturally, I think Batman would cockblock them before it got serious.
Plus Nightwing is something of a popular man with the ladies so I wouldn't think it would get too serious too fast.
That said - I will always ship Nightwing with Barbara Gordon or Starfire way over Harley Quinn.
Especially Barbara and Dick - they just have too much history and chemistry for me to see otherwise.
Who would I have added or were there any characters I was surprised weren't on the list?
I honestly was shocked that Deadshot didn't make the list. I don't like this ship for several reasons, but the love/hate flirting between them was a major thing in Suicide Squad New52, Assault on Arkham and even carried over into the Suicide Squad movie.
I was disappointed that Louie D'Anna from Convergence didn't make the cut, and neither did Guy Kopski from Harley's original solo run. We're ignoring Bernie the idiotic creation/knock off from Conner/Palmiotti. He can go suck a burnt beaver of the same name.

Guy was studying chaos theory type, an inventor of sorts and he loved to joke around with Harley. All of that turned sour when a mix of Harley's idea to put his love to the test, Joker venom, think drink and an overzealous professor got involved.
You never really forget your first love and in Harley's case - well, she was already on her way to a become a psychiatrist but this pushed her to want to meet the Joker because she 'got' the joke.

Same goes for Power Girl - not that she's forgettable by any means but that C&P keep trying to shove her in wherever they can with Harley.
Mason and Harley were as bland as a plain bread sandwich but still, thought they'd be on here as they were technically canon? I think? Eh, it's DC. who knows.
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Play nice or play dead! Harley Quinn's rules!