Remember how I mentioned some big names that I thought would have been in there for sure?
Remember how I mentioned these videos would be scraping the barrel?
Yeaaaaah.... about that. There's a part 2.
Soo.... this one is the same channel but has a different presenter and she objects to the term weird ships. But see.. these are weird ships. Half of them are people just saying "Well, person A and person B BOTH exist in this video game universe/unrelated movie franchises/comic books as a whole - LET'S SHIP THEM!!"
I understand her aversion to people crapping on fanships.. but the whole idea of fanships, surely.. is that there is SOMETHING there, some kind of sign, a look, a compatibility that then sparks the flames of a romance.. or at least something similar in the hearts and hopes of fans.
For example - Taiora from Digimon Adventure.
This one is my own weakness, I'll admit. While I appreciated the friendship these two had, my little heart thought they could be so much more. They understood each other, they trusted each other, they genuinely cared for each other, they were cute together and they both knew what needed to be done even though they had different ways of going about it.
So when Digimon Adventure 2 snuck in a romance between Sora and Matt (Sorato) I was horrified. These two barely had much to do with each other in the first season apart from being physically attacked by depression then getting over it fast. Matt was constantly too cool for school, had the crest of friendship but was always either snarking at or physically attacking his 'friends' and hey, remember that time the abandoned his really young brother in the Digiworld? I sure as heck do! He did it again later as well. Sora never seemed the type to moon over a "rockstar/astronaut" wannabe (that was so stupid) and I especially don't see her (who is generally the 'mom' of the group) putting up with someone who doesn't care about his own family. It was just weird, especially when they pumped out some clone children with the exact same Digimon as their parents. Umm.
Then we got Digimon Tri where they're always putting Sora in the middle of a Tai/Matt situation and forgetting she's a person too, who may or may not have her own life/hobbies. Maybe.
After all - Sora's relationship woes were just getting in the way of the biggest ship in Tri.
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I may have gotten off topic there but what I was trying to say was people either saw points for both Taiora and Sorato, or both. However, there was reasoning behind it and there were definite, deliberate parallels between Tai and Matt. People weren't just shipping Sora with say, Ken or Gennai just because they "happen" to inhabit the same universe.
Although there probably is a ship for that now. Thanks, internet!
10 - Power Girl
Argh, Lord, spare me these incessant Little Black Book ships that mean nothing!
Besides, this whole inane faux bad sci-fi 'joke' comic was centred around Power Girl being lusted after by some weird porno alien.
Besides besides, when has Harley interacted with Power Girl?
Oh yeah, that time she dragged Harley in to authorities after saving her from Joker's minions in Last Laugh (and then made fun of her) and then that time they fought in Suicide Squad New 52 and Harley looked like undead hooker for some reason.
See, I wasn't being mean. |
9 - Deadshot
Touched on this in the last post - surprised it wasn't higher... on the LAST list.
Especially when it was kind of canon... at least in the New 52... which I still don't think was ever really canon.

I never liked the Deadshot/Harley ship in the New 52 Suicide Squad because it seemingly came out of nowhere, was out of character for Deadshot, and seemed very forced - like Harley HAD to be seen with a new man and since she was the only woman on the team, very ship-bait.
The weirdest part of this whole thing is that the shipping in the comics intensified AFTER Harley put Joker's skinned face on Deadshot and Deadshot had to shoot Harley. Then it sort of leeched out into other mediums like Assault on Arkham, the Suicide Squad movie (even though Harley was supposed to be in a 'loving' relationship with Joker at that time?) and even Injustice 2 having the characters revealed/released together - which shouldn't mean anything but in the shipping world it does.
8 - The Riddler

Hell, even Detective Comics had them showing more of a connection.
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7 - Batgirl
Gotham Girls and BTAS are name dropped here.
Yeah, just like Batman and Nightwing - Batgirl is a predominant vigilante who hangs around Gotham a lot. Harley is a villain who hangs around Gotham a lot. There's a good chance that these two are gonna cross paths.. and yes, they do a lot.
There are so many iterations of these two characters interacting throughout the ages, throughout the pages and other mediums that I can see why people would put them together.

You also have to factor in that in the majority of these instances.. there's the ever present shadow of Joker crippling Barbara hanging over them both.
Verdict: Meh. I'm still annoyed about that time Batgirl was like "eeeew lesbians" to imagine this could be a thing.
6 - Scarecrow
Nolanverse shipping. Why? Look, there were some great things from those movies (Catwoman, Scarecrow, the vehicles, the despair of Gotham's legal wokers, Bane, Joker plus the atmosphere) and some dodgy things too (Katie Holmes, Bane never shutting up, the Robin tie in, Talia, and overdramatics).

OP explains it as when there's a new version of the Joker - people expect a new version of Harley too. Only, she's not in this frickin' franchise. People imagine... but that's about it.
I don't even know why people thought of shipping Harley and Scarecrow. When have they EVER shared a conversation, let alone a sneaky sidelong glance? What would they bond over? Being doctors touched by villainy and fear gas/Joker toxin? Dark, edgy costume designs?
5 - Loki
Oh my gosh, same as Deadpool... keep your DC outta my Marvel!!
People who ship this are weird. Yes, Loki in the Marvel Cinematic universe is a joy to watch and a fan favourite, despite being kind of a dick. That said, when has the God of Mischief ever seemed to want a relationship? Whenever you see him with women/men
4 - Jason Todd
Maybe Jason will eventually getting over her former beau beating the shit out of him.. and eventually killing him.
3 - Selina Kyle/Catwoman
Gotham City Sirens again. Heaven forbid women have actual friendships.
2 - Bucky Barnes
See above: DC not worthy of Marvel level movie characters.
Also - please, like Bucky has time for anyone apart from Cap.
1 - Booster Gold
OP states that Booster and Harley had met before, but not in the proper canon. I assume she means Injustice or something because she doesn't actually elaborate on this, and that's a shame. As we all know, Booster and Harley met up in Heroes in Crisis. OP refers to Harley needing a relationship that matches the complexities of the one she had with the Joker.. I don't think so.

Harley was the Joker's psychiatrist and she wanted to get to the bottom of him, figure him out but she also loved the lifestyle. I don't think she would be wanting the exact same style of relationship, knowing how bad it messed her up the first time.
Not to mention, while Booster and Harley are the major murder suspects in a mini-series... probably not the best time to hook up. They don't seem like an interesting couple anyway - even in this series they're very cool around each other, and with the aforementioned murders.. they both think the other did them. They're in a BAD place.
As you may have noticed, I sort of lost patience with these ships and just stopped halfway through.
If you like these characters together, then whatever you imagine in the privacy of your home or in the dark recesses of Tumblr is fine... just don't force it in my face.
Everyone ignored that Harley had dumped Joker well before the New 52 but pretended like that was all new and she needed was her independence... then everyone just shipped her with literally everyone. Like... what?!
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