Oh no, another Youtube based post! When will I ever learn? Well, The Key of Awesome is on hiatus, so is Epic Rap Battles of History and A Dose of Buckley, and I'm all caught up on pretty much everything else I care about on Youtube so here we are.
Here's the video.
Here's me.
Here's my post where I ramble on for hours on end about why I agree or disagree about the dot points.
Watch out for the random ambiguous point! There's one in every post! ...Apparently.
Uh.... yeah. I don't think anyone's ever tried to hide that.
One of the first parts under her Wikipedia page reads:
Harley Quinn first appeared in the DC Animated Universe's Batman: The Animated Series episode "Joker's Favour", in what was originally supposed to be the animated equivalent of a walk-on role; a number of police officers were to be taken hostage by someone jumping out of a cake, and it was decided that to have the Joker do so himself would be too bizarre, although he ended up doing it anyway. Thus they created a female sidekick for the Joker; she would become his love interest.
From the IMDB page about the episode in question;
Originally, the script called for the Joker to appear in drag. The writers decided this was out of character for him and created a one-shot female character to fill this role instead. The character became extremely popular and was soon upgraded from one of Joker's goons to a major player in the Rogues Gallery: Harley Quinn.
I agree with the statement that Harley's character was initially supposed to be a cameo but I disagree that this is something DC is trying to hide.
What? Confused here. Why is this some scandalous secret that DC is trying to hide from us? I would say the vast majority of Harley fans already know she was shown in 1992 - the rest are the couple of fans of Harley from the Suicide Squad movie who seem to believe that monstrosity was the first incarnation and everything else is some archaic cartoon for old timers.
Besides, how exactly is DC trying to hide this when you can easily see it on every Wiki about her and it often comes up as a 'fun fact!' about the character. It's pretty iconic how she became the first cartoon character to jump across to the mainstream comics in DC barely a year later.
Video/OP need to elaborate here. If DC was trying to insinuate that Harley was a part of some classic Batman stories like the Killing Joke, A Death in the Family, The Man Behind the Red Hood etc or films like The Dark Knight or Batman (1989) for example when she wasn't even in continuity then - well yes this would be some dodgy business.
As above, need more information. Are they hiding her big production year or trying to say she was always there from the beginning? An example of this would maybe be in White Knight when she was there during Robin's torture.
The video says that through a friend, the creators were able to meet Sorkin and then she ended up becoming the voice actress but Paul Dini already knew her from college. That's why he was watching her Days of Our Lives videotapes while he was off work ill. I don't think anyone else really does that sort of binge watch otherwise.
Her Wikipedia page;
Arleen Sorkin (born October 14, 1956) is an American actress, screenwriter, presenter, comedian and walker talker. Sorkin is known for portraying Calliope Jones on the NBC daytime serial Days of Our Lives and for inspiring and voicing the DC Comics villain Harley Quinn in Batman: The Animated Series and the many animated series and video games that followed it.

Sorkin sees several similarities between Harley and herself: "Her naturally blonde hair is certainly not me! Her occasional use of the word 'Oy!' is very much me, that fantastic figure is also me, as is her joie de vie and those high, pointy breasts!"
"I love the name Harleen so much, that if I had to do it over again, I would have made my name Harleen instead of Arleen. It's a great name!"
"Doing Batman has been terrific. When we talk, I know Paul's not really listening to me-he's filing; filing away ideas while I'm talking to him!"
She retired from the role in 2011 and left a huge gap where several other actresses and voice actors have all stepped in to carry the load of a legend.
Comic book Resources noted this;
BTAS writer and co-creator, Paul Dini had a specific voice and look in mind when developing her, that of soap opera actress, Arleen Sorkin.
"I was home sick and had the TV on, and there she was on Days Of Our Lives playing a jester in a fantasy sequence," he told The Hollywood Reporter. Dini tailored Harley for Sorkin, who, of course, ended up providing the animated character with her distinctive Harley-isms.
This wording from CBR is a bit different than the other versions I'd heard, and that was that Dini had been given videotapes, not watching back to back TV episodes but even with the dubious rewording, the gist remains the same and is therefore in line with the other definitive versions shown above.
Sorkin was and is a massive influence on Harley Quinn and in particular to how she was created and portrayed to the effect that Harley is literally her cartoon persona. As with above points, I agree with the statement, but not that DC has ever tried to hide it.
Who hasn't heard this one? As well as Courtney, Madonna herself was rumoured to be up for the role.
Video refers to 'failure' of Batman and Robin. It's not Shakespeare, but it's funny that this movie killed that franchise while Suicide Squad - which had more characters uselessly crammed in and no plot at all is somehow getting a sequel and several spin offs.
It's also not very clear on how close we came. What does in consideration mean? Is it that the director or writer for example think someone would be great in the role but the studio doesn't agree? Is it someone daydreaming about their ideal actor? Has the actor in question put their name forward, noted interest or actually applied for the role? Is it just a rumour? Is it similar to becoming a producer, which it seems like any freakin' person can do without any real effort?
Video points out along with every other source that references Sara's role - that Harley does not wear a costume but she does wear something reminiscent of her outfit from the original comics.
Yes, because she was kind of undercover and actually working as a therapist but hey.
Mia Sara did an excellent job with the material - which was pretty campy at times, but still had more of a plot than Suicide Squad. Boom!
DC and other news outlets kept celebrating about how there would finally be a live action Harley Quinn in Suicide Squad... so I think they are trying to push this super nineties Elseworlds TV show under the rug. Especially when sites like CBR (see above link) report that Harley 'almost' made her live action debut in BOP, then saying she was finally realised in flesh and blood by whatsherface in Suicide Squad. Only if people actually watch BOP - there is not one time where Harley is on screen that you don't know it's Harley - she's not in an outfit, but she never needed one to be Harley.
Well... debatable. Yes, she was.. but this is a Harley from Elseworld's. Specifically, Elseworlds 80-Page Giant - where she is literally seen and mentioned in ONE panel, unlike many other famous cameos and parallels of real celebrities. Also Lex Luthor is a music industry bigwig, so, how serious are we taking this?
......Wait. This series - Batman and TMNT is pretty damn recent. Like, 2016 ish. I don't think it's some deep dark secret from the past that DC is covering up. Not when she's on half of the covers for the damn series.

It's literally still being marketed. There's even TWO kinds of TMNT/Batman spin off comics. It's not even the first time she's been designed as a hyena - remember that 'monsters' variant during New 52?
Besides, are we not gonna talk about when her stupid solo series made her into a Man-Bat wannabe? THAT was ten times weirder, and something I wish DC would try to bury.
Uhhh.... this is also a bit of a stretch. This is Injustice Universe -
not the main continuity - and based off the game series. The revelation that Joker and Harley had a child (that he didn't know about for the child's safety) was made back in Injustice: Gods Among Us Year 2 and was instrumental into making Harley a sympathetic character, and ultimately one of the Bat Gallery's most trusted allies - despite her past evil deeds.
The partner of the Joker - who had just had her help in murdering Lois Lane and her unborn child via Superman manipulation, stopped a fight with Black Canary the very moment she realised Canary was pregnant. After some prodding, she revealed that she herself had a child that Joker could NEVER know about for Lucy's own safety. For that reason, Harley barely gets to see or raise her child.
Shouldn't have to explain this but Harley - or rather 'The Harlequin' as she is in THIS Elseworld killed some older lady - probably some random lady, no one related to her. Then she posed her together with other corpses using very basic undertaking/taxidermy skills. She took pictures showed them as her 'family.' She then - during a fight with the Batman of this universe, managed to accidentally knock her fake grandma's head off, and was even really upset after the fact.
Which is... kind of missing the whole point of DC making their content in the first place.
If it was something racist/sexist that came out in the 1940's for example - yeah, I bet DC WOULD want to forget that but this is apple and oranges for a 2015 mini-movie designed to promote their main movie for this series.... in which Harlequin is intended to NOT actually be Harley Quinn but a different character entirely.
Harley sitting naked in a bathtub with toasters, blow dryers, blenders, appliances all dangling above the bathtub and she has a cord that will release them all. We are watching the moment before the inevitable death. Her expression is one of “oh well, guess that’s it for me” and she has resigned herself to the moment that is going to happen.
Particularly disappointing when the drama from 'Harleygate' managed to conveniently overshadow the backlash from Batwoman not being able to gay marry. Then, Harley Quinn managed to overshadow Batwoman again when she came out of the closet. Nice.
Here's the video.
Here's me.
Here's my post where I ramble on for hours on end about why I agree or disagree about the dot points.
Watch out for the random ambiguous point! There's one in every post! ...Apparently.
#10 Harley Quinn was only meant to be a cameo
One of the first parts under her Wikipedia page reads:
Harley Quinn first appeared in the DC Animated Universe's Batman: The Animated Series episode "Joker's Favour", in what was originally supposed to be the animated equivalent of a walk-on role; a number of police officers were to be taken hostage by someone jumping out of a cake, and it was decided that to have the Joker do so himself would be too bizarre, although he ended up doing it anyway. Thus they created a female sidekick for the Joker; she would become his love interest.
From the IMDB page about the episode in question;
Originally, the script called for the Joker to appear in drag. The writers decided this was out of character for him and created a one-shot female character to fill this role instead. The character became extremely popular and was soon upgraded from one of Joker's goons to a major player in the Rogues Gallery: Harley Quinn.
#9 Harley Quinn is a relatively new character

Besides, how exactly is DC trying to hide this when you can easily see it on every Wiki about her and it often comes up as a 'fun fact!' about the character. It's pretty iconic how she became the first cartoon character to jump across to the mainstream comics in DC barely a year later.
Video/OP need to elaborate here. If DC was trying to insinuate that Harley was a part of some classic Batman stories like the Killing Joke, A Death in the Family, The Man Behind the Red Hood etc or films like The Dark Knight or Batman (1989) for example when she wasn't even in continuity then - well yes this would be some dodgy business.
Verdict: UNSURE
As above, need more information. Are they hiding her big production year or trying to say she was always there from the beginning? An example of this would maybe be in White Knight when she was there during Robin's torture.
#8 Harley Quinn was modelled after actress Arleen Sorkin

Her Wikipedia page;
Arleen Sorkin (born October 14, 1956) is an American actress, screenwriter, presenter, comedian and walker talker. Sorkin is known for portraying Calliope Jones on the NBC daytime serial Days of Our Lives and for inspiring and voicing the DC Comics villain Harley Quinn in Batman: The Animated Series and the many animated series and video games that followed it.
She provided inspiration and does the voice of the animated character Harley Quinn, the Joker's sidekick and lover, created by Paul Dini, a college friend of Sorkin's who created Harley for the DC Comics TV series Batman: The Animated Series.
Interview with P. Jankiewicz in Starlog Magazine;
Interview with P. Jankiewicz in Starlog Magazine;
As Harley Quinn, Sorkin has played the Joker's put-upon girl friend, a psychotic clown (and former psychiatrist) on Batman: The Animated Series.
With her bone-white skin, dazed Judy Holliday-voice, one-sided love for the joker and odd quips like "It is to laugh." Harley Quinn has become one of the series' most beloved characters.
"I see Harley as a girl who wants to do the right thing, but it's just not within her control." Sorkin observes. "She wants to be a good girl but it's so much more her to be a bad one. I think she's popular because of her vulnerability."
The actress landed the role in an unusual way.
The actress landed the role in an unusual way.
"I slept with Paul Dini." she jokes. "Actually, Paul and I have been friends since college-back at Emerson. He was home one day watching Days of Our Lives [a soap on which Sorkin appeared]. We did a dream sequence where I was a court jester and he said that was the inspiration for Harley. Paul called me up and said, 'Would you like to do this character?' I said yes and came over! I was born to play her."
One wonders how the performer felt about having a character tailor-made for her.
"It's completely flattering." Sorkin says fondly. "Knowing that makes it a joyful experience to play her. I don't feel I'll ever be recast, so that's good too!"

"I love the name Harleen so much, that if I had to do it over again, I would have made my name Harleen instead of Arleen. It's a great name!"
"Doing Batman has been terrific. When we talk, I know Paul's not really listening to me-he's filing; filing away ideas while I'm talking to him!"
She retired from the role in 2011 and left a huge gap where several other actresses and voice actors have all stepped in to carry the load of a legend.
Comic book Resources noted this;
BTAS writer and co-creator, Paul Dini had a specific voice and look in mind when developing her, that of soap opera actress, Arleen Sorkin.
"I was home sick and had the TV on, and there she was on Days Of Our Lives playing a jester in a fantasy sequence," he told The Hollywood Reporter. Dini tailored Harley for Sorkin, who, of course, ended up providing the animated character with her distinctive Harley-isms.
This wording from CBR is a bit different than the other versions I'd heard, and that was that Dini had been given videotapes, not watching back to back TV episodes but even with the dubious rewording, the gist remains the same and is therefore in line with the other definitive versions shown above.
Sorkin was and is a massive influence on Harley Quinn and in particular to how she was created and portrayed to the effect that Harley is literally her cartoon persona. As with above points, I agree with the statement, but not that DC has ever tried to hide it.
#7 Courtney Love was in consideration to play Harley Quinn on the Silver Screen
Who hasn't heard this one? As well as Courtney, Madonna herself was rumoured to be up for the role.
Video refers to 'failure' of Batman and Robin. It's not Shakespeare, but it's funny that this movie killed that franchise while Suicide Squad - which had more characters uselessly crammed in and no plot at all is somehow getting a sequel and several spin offs.
It's also not very clear on how close we came. What does in consideration mean? Is it that the director or writer for example think someone would be great in the role but the studio doesn't agree? Is it someone daydreaming about their ideal actor? Has the actor in question put their name forward, noted interest or actually applied for the role? Is it just a rumour? Is it similar to becoming a producer, which it seems like any freakin' person can do without any real effort?
Yeah, anything to do with the classic Batman movies seem to be given the finger these days.#6 Harley Quinn's first live action role was in WB's Birds of Prey
Yes, because she was kind of undercover and actually working as a therapist but hey.
Mia Sara did an excellent job with the material - which was pretty campy at times, but still had more of a plot than Suicide Squad. Boom!
Verdit: AGREE

#5 Harley Quinn was once a folk singer

The video also seems to confuse this particular Elseworlds with the Bombshell Universe and makes a big deal out of Harley and Ivy being lesbians and being a couple. This is funny because they ARE a couple in the Bombshell Universe... but it was only implied in the Elseworlds 80-Page Giant, and that made it a little Easter Egg of sorts for fans who shipped the pair since BTAS.
.....Wait... are we categorising all folk singers as homosexual now? Is... is that technically offensive? I'm confused.
Guys. One panel. Elseworlds universe. I doubt anyone has read this comic in it's entirety recently. But it's literally a cameo - so if DC didn't want Harley as an alternate universe band member, they would have surely placed some other DC pairing in there instead.
.....Wait... are we categorising all folk singers as homosexual now? Is... is that technically offensive? I'm confused.
Guys. One panel. Elseworlds universe. I doubt anyone has read this comic in it's entirety recently. But it's literally a cameo - so if DC didn't want Harley as an alternate universe band member, they would have surely placed some other DC pairing in there instead.
#4 Harley was once a mutant hyena
![]() |
I'm having trouble telling this mutation apart from the ordinary New 52 Harley. |
......Wait. This series - Batman and TMNT is pretty damn recent. Like, 2016 ish. I don't think it's some deep dark secret from the past that DC is covering up. Not when she's on half of the covers for the damn series.
this one, definite

Besides, are we not gonna talk about when her stupid solo series made her into a Man-Bat wannabe? THAT was ten times weirder, and something I wish DC would try to bury.
#3 Harley Quinn has a daughter

not the main continuity - and based off the game series. The revelation that Joker and Harley had a child (that he didn't know about for the child's safety) was made back in Injustice: Gods Among Us Year 2 and was instrumental into making Harley a sympathetic character, and ultimately one of the Bat Gallery's most trusted allies - despite her past evil deeds.
The partner of the Joker - who had just had her help in murdering Lois Lane and her unborn child via Superman manipulation, stopped a fight with Black Canary the very moment she realised Canary was pregnant. After some prodding, she revealed that she herself had a child that Joker could NEVER know about for Lucy's own safety. For that reason, Harley barely gets to see or raise her child.
Injustice 2 even had Lucy written into to Harley's ending.
We also know that in the Batman Beyond movie Return of the Joker - Harley's twin grand daughters Delia and Deidre Dennis (the Dee-Dees) make an appearance, so unless Harley adopted them she has reproduced somewhere along the line. (I like that Harley's never before seen sister is called Delia in Injustice)
In Mad Love, we see Harley's dreams for the future involve a bunch of look-a-like crotch goblins.
The Suicide Squad movie showed that it didn't understand Harley's character because this Harley's dreams involved twin babies in a perfect, normal, suburban stereotype.
Joker's lair has two onesies laid out amongst a million knifes -
(guess he's that one guy who don't subscribe to baby-proofing, huh?) while in the Arkham games, we see a bunch of pregnancy tests in a crib....
(not the most subtle or sanitary of moves but hey) but no hint of a child. Given that Joker was dying, I would bet Harley was trying to conceive so if Joker didn't make it she would have something of his to live with, however they either weren't successful or perhaps Harley miscarried out of grief.
Harley is roughly meant to be between 25-33 year old woman, usually partnered or shipped with someone and is at heart a hopeless romantic. It's natural for both creators and fans to want to see babies. That said, disagree that DC wants us to forget she had a kid in an Elseworld universe is a bit silly considering how much speculation they've pushed in print, film and game - and along with including Lucy in the official ending of the game and as part of the comics.
We also know that in the Batman Beyond movie Return of the Joker - Harley's twin grand daughters Delia and Deidre Dennis (the Dee-Dees) make an appearance, so unless Harley adopted them she has reproduced somewhere along the line. (I like that Harley's never before seen sister is called Delia in Injustice)
In Mad Love, we see Harley's dreams for the future involve a bunch of look-a-like crotch goblins.
The Suicide Squad movie showed that it didn't understand Harley's character because this Harley's dreams involved twin babies in a perfect, normal, suburban stereotype.
Joker's lair has two onesies laid out amongst a million knifes -
(guess he's that one guy who don't subscribe to baby-proofing, huh?) while in the Arkham games, we see a bunch of pregnancy tests in a crib....
Harley is roughly meant to be between 25-33 year old woman, usually partnered or shipped with someone and is at heart a hopeless romantic. It's natural for both creators and fans to want to see babies. That said, disagree that DC wants us to forget she had a kid in an Elseworld universe is a bit silly considering how much speculation they've pushed in print, film and game - and along with including Lucy in the official ending of the game and as part of the comics.
#2 Harley Quinn decapitated her grandmother with a chainsaw
Shouldn't have to explain this but Harley - or rather 'The Harlequin' as she is in THIS Elseworld killed some older lady - probably some random lady, no one related to her. Then she posed her together with other corpses using very basic undertaking/taxidermy skills. She took pictures showed them as her 'family.' She then - during a fight with the Batman of this universe, managed to accidentally knock her fake grandma's head off, and was even really upset after the fact.
This is a fairly recent mini-movie, so I doubt DC is trying to hide this because it's an extreme example of how messed up this universe is, where Superman's on par with his Injustice self, Batman's a vampire, Wonder Woman is a war happy New God etc etc. In saying that, whenever I see this item make a list all I think is that the people making these lists don't even watch the movies or read the comics they're referring to. They just skim summaries for them or see others talk about how she 'decapitates her grandma' and go OH NO, THAT'S TERRIBLE!1!!1 I BET DC WANTS TO FORGET THAT EVER HAPPENED!!!
![]() |
"Let me go, I'm not part of your universe...?" |
If it was something racist/sexist that came out in the 1940's for example - yeah, I bet DC WOULD want to forget that but this is apple and oranges for a 2015 mini-movie designed to promote their main movie for this series.... in which Harlequin is intended to NOT actually be Harley Quinn but a different character entirely.
#1 Harley Quinn took part in a real world controversy
As well as being stupid - casting for up and coming new artists but then settling on someone who ALREADY WORKED FOR THEM AND WAS ESTABLISHED IN THE INDUSTRY !!!!! - this contest was a PR nightmare.
People got up in arms because it was announced around National Suicide Prevention Week and DC staff including Palmiotti, Lee and and a few others actively played the f*ckwit card in getting angry or condescending at fans or critics for not understanding the four panels that were requested without any context, including; having Harley sitting near alligator's in a raw chicken suit, standing on a tower holding a pole during a lightning storm and inside a whale's mouth tickling it. Then there was...
The only upside to this whole thing was the hilariously sassy entries.. a lot of my favourites are on this list.
The continuing downside was seeing the result of this competition was a page by someone who - as mentioned above - wasn't exactly someone trying to 'break into comics' like the average Joe/Josie - as he had already worked for several comic companies.
From DC themselves -
Harley Quinn is no stranger to a little breaking and entering for a good time and now, she’s going to help one talented artist break into comics with DC Entertainment’s Open Talent Search. That’s right, we’re looking for someone to draw one page of HARLEY QUINN #0 alongside some of comic’s most amazing talents, including Amanda Conner, Paul Pope, Bruce Timm, and a few other surprises, maybe even you!Beginning this November, Jimmy Palmiotti and Amanda Conner will be writing the madcap adventures of Harley Quinn and they’ll need all the help they can get to handle her, so they’re opening the invitation to one undiscovered talent to join them. If you think you’ve got what it takes to be published in this special issue, then put on your working hat and start drawing now, because an opportunity like this doesn’t come along very often.
Did he legit win? Was DC shook by the drama and just make it seem like he won to save face? Who knows. What we do know is that the end result in the published comic was different than what the competition asked for, and the page itself was boring and not worth any of the drama it created.
The continuing downside was seeing the result of this competition was a page by someone who - as mentioned above - wasn't exactly someone trying to 'break into comics' like the average Joe/Josie - as he had already worked for several comic companies.
From DC themselves -
Harley Quinn is no stranger to a little breaking and entering for a good time and now, she’s going to help one talented artist break into comics with DC Entertainment’s Open Talent Search. That’s right, we’re looking for someone to draw one page of HARLEY QUINN #0 alongside some of comic’s most amazing talents, including Amanda Conner, Paul Pope, Bruce Timm, and a few other surprises, maybe even you!Beginning this November, Jimmy Palmiotti and Amanda Conner will be writing the madcap adventures of Harley Quinn and they’ll need all the help they can get to handle her, so they’re opening the invitation to one undiscovered talent to join them. If you think you’ve got what it takes to be published in this special issue, then put on your working hat and start drawing now, because an opportunity like this doesn’t come along very often.
Did he legit win? Was DC shook by the drama and just make it seem like he won to save face? Who knows. What we do know is that the end result in the published comic was different than what the competition asked for, and the page itself was boring and not worth any of the drama it created.
Particularly disappointing when the drama from 'Harleygate' managed to conveniently overshadow the backlash from Batwoman not being able to gay marry. Then, Harley Quinn managed to overshadow Batwoman again when she came out of the closet. Nice.
Verdict: AGREE
Yeah, from their awkward fan bashing and half assed apology, I'm sure this is something DC would gladly sweep under the rug if only the internet didn't exist.
What would I have added?
* Harley Quinn would have been the first DLC character for Mortal Kombat vs. DC Universe, but she was scrapped along with Quan Chi due to financial issues.
*Sherilynn Fenn played Harley in the pilot for Birds of Prey, but like Mia Sara and Alexa, who played her for ten seconds in Arrow, people overlook her in favour of a certain crappy actress. Shit, you can't even google search for Fenn or Sara as Harley without maggots appearing out of the ground.
* That Harley Quinn is supposed to be a harlequin
* Harley's Mad Love origin that saw her seduce her professor to get a pass
* That Jewelee existed before Harley Quinn (*cough cough Hell to pay Cough cough*)
* Hell, that there were OTHER Harlequin's before Harley Quinn
* That Harley Quinn wasn't the Joker's punching bag 24/7 - she often stood up to him and beat his ass.
* That time she helped Joker kill Pettit's crew and helped him steal babies.
* Harley Quinn and Poison Ivy's real relationship from BTAS days
* Harley Quinn's real family as shown in Gotham City Sirens
* That Harley Quinn's sexual preferences were pretty much geared towards men until Palmiotti/Conner decided that they needed to make her more marketable to the LBGT+ crowd and thus changed her to boost sales and get massive promotion from news sites/Tumblr etc instead of making it more of a natural, believable romance like what was done in Bombshells or Injustice, for example. They also made her a bit of a man basher which was weird and not exactly progressive.
* That above run was the worst thing to happen to Harley as it shat all over previous canon, changed her personality more than Suicide Squad and showcased that the writers were unable to create a single character that wasn't a knock off of something better, and when they did make their own characters they were bland nothings
* That Harley Quinn was capable of leaving the Joker on her own terms and didn't need to wait until New 52
* That time she killed all of those kids and innocent folk with exploding vidja games
* Harley Quinn's real origin story, not the New 52 one
* Harley's upgraded powers and abilities
* Explaining how Harley's solo series and her Suicide Squad jaunts work together and in what capacity/timeline
* Hell, that there were OTHER Harlequin's before Harley Quinn
* That Harley Quinn wasn't the Joker's punching bag 24/7 - she often stood up to him and beat his ass.
* That time she helped Joker kill Pettit's crew and helped him steal babies.
* Harley Quinn and Poison Ivy's real relationship from BTAS days
* Harley Quinn's real family as shown in Gotham City Sirens
* That Harley Quinn's sexual preferences were pretty much geared towards men until Palmiotti/Conner decided that they needed to make her more marketable to the LBGT+ crowd and thus changed her to boost sales and get massive promotion from news sites/Tumblr etc instead of making it more of a natural, believable romance like what was done in Bombshells or Injustice, for example. They also made her a bit of a man basher which was weird and not exactly progressive.
* That above run was the worst thing to happen to Harley as it shat all over previous canon, changed her personality more than Suicide Squad and showcased that the writers were unable to create a single character that wasn't a knock off of something better, and when they did make their own characters they were bland nothings
* That Harley Quinn was capable of leaving the Joker on her own terms and didn't need to wait until New 52
* That time she killed all of those kids and innocent folk with exploding vidja games
* Harley Quinn's real origin story, not the New 52 one
* Harley's upgraded powers and abilities
* Explaining how Harley's solo series and her Suicide Squad jaunts work together and in what capacity/timeline
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Play nice or play dead! Harley Quinn's rules!